Delivering the Word, Part 3
Mission Moment (Thursday, Jan. 5, 2012)
Haseeb Masih, the founder of Save Pakistan Ministries (at right in photo above), reported that on Monday, Jan. 2 another 79 Urdu Bibles were distributed to needy people. This was the third time the Climbing For Christ-supported “Free Urdu Bible Distribution Mission Project” was carried out by Save Pakistan. In less than two months, 229 Bibles have been handed out. We give thanks to God for this blessing in a place that ranks among the most persecuted nations in the world.
“I would like to let you know that there was a huge crowd of people who were desiring to have their own Bible,” Haseeb said. “I was so blessed to see them as they have a great passion to get the Bibles. Everybody was trying to reach us to get their Bibles. That was really amazing to see a zeal among them.”
A child shows the joy of a people hungry for His Word.
“We are regularly discovering new outreach areas and winning new souls for the Lord, Jesus Christ,” Haseeb said. “I am very happy to let you know that those believers who received Urdu Bibles are very strong in their faith and now they are coming regularly to prayer meetings and also taking part in fellowship meetings.”
Save Pakistan is currently working in more than 60 villages and previously unreached areas. “We are distributing Urdu Bibles (Urdu is national language of Pakistan) Bibles to new believers who don't have their own Bibles,” Haseeb explained, adding that the need for more Bibles remains great.
Seventy-nine more new Books!
Since Haseeb announced the need for 4,000 Bibles in late October, Climbing For Christ members and friends have donated more than US$2,400 — good for 400 Bibles.
“These believers are really poor people and they are not able to buy their own Bible,” Haseeb said. “We promised them that we will provide Bibles free of cost to new believers as early as possible. Being a Christian, everyone should have a Bible so they could read it every day.”