C4C Western New York Chapter

Chapter Contact:

Gary & Elaine Fallesen, coordinators
Rochester, NY

E- mails: GFallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org and efallesen@ClimbingForChrist.org


The first “official” meeting of the Western New York Chapter took place Jan. 30, 2004 at Hope Lutheran Church in Greece, N.Y. This was also where the first public meeting of Climbing For Christ had occurred on Feb. 1, 2002. Seven people attended the 2002 meeting, one of the baby steps in the early development of this organization.

Latest News

WNY Update: Fun & fundraising

Ice cream is good medicine

Gary Fallesen 0 953

Hope Lutheran Church (1301 Vintage Lane, Rochester, NY) is hosting an ice cream fundraiser for Climbing For Christ from 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 9. It’s called “Change for Change.” It’s a drive-through ice cream event: Drive through, get a cone or dish of ice cream, and drop some change in a bucket. You can also drop a check or bills into the bucket. All the funds will go to C4C’s New Generation, which is conducting a medical mission in Kalimet and Majon, Haiti at the end of August. We need $4,000 to make this mission possible. UPDATE: More than $1,850 was raised. Praise God!

Western NY Update: Bless someone’s socks off

C4C partners with local Christian bookstore

Elaine Fallesen 0 1170

Fozzys Socks are on sale for $5.99 each or 2 pairs for $10 at Alpha & Omega Parable Christian Store in Greece. However, when you buy four pairs for $20, a fifth pair will be donated to Climbing For Christ’s Project 1:27 Nepal orphans!

Western NY Coffee Chat Jan. 23

Gary Fallesen 0 1340
Western New York Update Chat about fulfilling God’s dreams Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2020 By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ Elaine, Brendan, Joe, Gilbert, and Gary at Quorum Prosthetics in Windsor, CO last week. Greetings in HIS name! My wife Elaine ...

Western NY Coffee Chat via Skype

Gary Fallesen 0 1337
Western New York Update Chat with Gilbert tonight Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020 By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ Happy Haitian: Gilbert Lindor yesterday at Quorum Prosthetics in Windsor, CO. (Photo by Gary Fallesen) Greetings in HIS name! The Western New Yor...

Songs & Stories: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 1961

Join the Rochester-based staff of Climbing For Christ on Friday, Feb. 1 for Songs & Stories: Nepal. Jordan Rowley will lead us in worship, starting at 7 p.m., and Jordan and Elaine and Gary Fallesen will share stories from Mission: Nepal. This event will be held at Hope Lutheran Church, 1301 Vinta...

Western New York Chapter news

Gary Fallesen 0 2252
Fall fun and fundraising By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ It’s nearly the harvest season. Apples will be ripe in Hilton and the mission field is “white for the harvest” (John 4:35). Believe it or not, those two go hand in hand. Funds r...

Western New York fall update

Gary Fallesen 0 2981
Autumn is in the air By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ Labor Day is over. Back to work, back to school. It’s football season! Pumpkin spice is on every menu and in seemingly every food. Leaves are red and underfoot as I trail run. All of this means it’s time fo...

Bunny Hop Fun Run, Walk & Egg Hunt

Gary Fallesen 0 3387
Hopping happy: The hunt for eggs was off and running. (Photos by Gary Fallesen) We give praise and thanks for $1,065 of support received through our inaugural Bunny Hop Fun Run and Walk at North Ponds Park in Webster, NY. Thirty-three people attended Saturday, April 15, includin...