“Discovering the gold, you need to have a gold detector,” said Damson Samson, Climbing For Christ’s Malawi-based Africa Coordinator. In other words, you need a prospector who can smell gold before it’s panned. A miner who recognizes a vein waiting to be harvested.
“Many areas they can seem useless (devoid of fruit) when there is no investor to invest in the area,” Damson said, continuing his analogy between mining for gold and harvesting souls.
“The coming of Climbing For Christ to reach porters and guides around Mulanje Massif (and Mount Kilimanjaro in neighboring Tanzania) has brought together a community counted dead in their sins to bring hope to thousands around them.”
Damson likes to testify to porters becoming pastors – some literally. Climbing For Christ has banded together more than 150 guides and porters in Malawi and Tanzania who are a backpacking royal priesthood.
“Expeditions and the training which have been introduced from a year ago have really revealed gold in the neglected bush.”
The gold are those precious souls who are lost in the wilderness. As 2 Peter 3:9 tells us, the Lord does not want anyone to perish but wants everyone to come to repentance.
“Expeditions are like gold detectors,” Damson said, again referring to prospecting for souls. “Many guides and porters are praying for healing in both Malawi and Tanzania. I have testimonies from both sides.
“We continue praying for all the investors who are committed to seeing Christ Jesus accepted by many around the globe. We thank them for being there to support our expeditions. They are making a great and fruitful impact.”
Climbing For Christ recognizes that there’s gold in all of them thar hills. 
THE EXPEDITION: Scheduled for December. Our team will continue classroom instruction with guides and porters in the Mulanje Massif Chapter and then conduct a four-day outreach expedition on the mountain. Email info@ClimbingForChrist.org for a mission application. Membership is required to GO on a Climbing For Christ expedition.
This will be Climbing For Christ’s 10th expedition to Malawi, where we first went in 2010. Damson Samson, C4C’s Africa Coordinator, is meeting with chapter members seven times this year thanks to a grant from the