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There was a long line of evil kings in Judah. These kings led their country farther and farther away from God. They literally buried God’s Word – His commands – in the Temple of the Lord.
Then construction workers dug up the Book of the Law, which is Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy – the first five books of the Old Testament.
When King Josiah heard what was written in the Book of the Law, he tore his clothes in despair (2 Kings 22:8-11).
After hearing God’s Word just once, he realized the sins of his nation. With just one reading of God’s Word, he committed his life to leading the people of Judah to repent – to turn back to God.
That’s the power of God’s Word – the Bible!
Today, more people own Bibles than ever before in history. But few people know what the Bible says and how it should affect their lives.
That’s what Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters are learning in the study “Discovering the Bible.”
We use resources from The Timothy Initiative (TTI) to prepare guides and porters for evangelism on and off the mountains where they work and live in Tanzania. Since 2017 we have graduated several classes of students, who have studied introductory DMD (disciples making disciples), advanced DMD, and now Discovering the Bible. Currently, we are training 63 Kilimanjaro guides and porters, and another 89 in neighboring Malawi in the Mulanje Massif Chapter.
These 152 members of Climbing For Christ have formed small groups for Bible study in their communities, and some are planting churches.
Instruction is offered on a quarterly basis in Tanzania, where Kingdom worker Damson Samson GO-es for two-to-three weeks at a time. He leads training and makes home visits. In his native Malawi, he spends two-to-three days a month eight times a year with Mulanje chapter members.
MISSION: KILIMANJARO 2023 is scheduled Feb. 24-March 10 and includes two days of training with our Discovering the Bible students, two days with the DMD advanced class (including a graduation ceremony), and a week of trekking on Mount Kilimanjaro. The estimated cost is $3,700 USD plus airfare.
This is Climbing For Christ founder Gary Fallesen’s 25th anniversary climb of Kilimanjaro. In 1998, before his first trip to Tanzania, God birthed the idea of C4C in Gary. We consider Kilimanjaro the ministry’s birthplace. 
Email for a mission application. Missions are for C4C members only. You can join Climbing For Christ at Membership Application (