C4C Australia Chapter

Chapter Contact:

Tony Johnston, coordinator
Western Sydney, Australia
E-mail: tonyleanne@hotmail.com

Chapter Facebook Group:



C4C Australia began (as these things often do) with a simple email. Tony Johnston wondered if there was a Climbing For Christ chapter in Australia and, if not, “how is one set up?” We were glad he asked. That was on April 12, 2010. After a series of emails and “much prayer,” Tony decided on April 26 that he wanted to help start C4C Australia.

Latest News

C4C Australia

Gary Fallesen 0 3734
The start of a new chapter Climbing For Christ Australia joins JEJAK (Indonesia), Kilimanjaro (Tanzania), C4C Philippines and C4C DR (Dominican Republic) as our fifth international body. Tony Johnston, 41 at the time of C4C Australia's formation, has been named coordinator of this new chapter...

Tony Johnston

Gary Fallesen 0 4494
The Johnston family at Martin's Lookout. Date of birth: Oct. 19, 1969. Residence: Quakers Hill, Australia. Personal: Married to Leanne and father of three boys (Tim, 5; Joel, 3, and Malachi, 16 months). Occupation: I am blessed to be a stay-at-home dad. Church: Lighthouse Community Church...