Climbing For Christ


Articles by Elaine Fallesen

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Dreams and visions

Asking Jesus to appear to Muslims as part of Project Prayer: Ramadan 2021

Elaine Fallesen 0 1346

Let’s cut to the chase – want to know the BEST way to pray for our Muslim friends and family to come to Christ? Ask Jesus to appear to them in a dream or a vision.

Western NY Update: Bless someone’s socks off

C4C partners with local Christian bookstore

Elaine Fallesen 0 1137

Fozzys Socks are on sale for $5.99 each or 2 pairs for $10 at Alpha & Omega Parable Christian Store in Greece. However, when you buy four pairs for $20, a fifth pair will be donated to Climbing For Christ’s Project 1:27 Nepal orphans!

Happy Mother's Day

The moms I know

Elaine Fallesen 0 2302

The moms I know By Elaine Fallesen, women’s and family ministry, Climbing For Christ I LAUGHED at the “Mama Bear” display of Mother’s Day gifts in the card store. If you’re a mom or know a mom, you know it’s true – like mother bears we are passio...

Project 1:27 CHRISTmas

Giving gifts and much more to orphans at CHRISTmas

Elaine Fallesen 0 5648

Giving gifts and much more to orphans at CHRISTmas By Elaine Fallesen Family Ministry, Climbing For Christ Striking an Audrey Hepburn pose, Phiri Nakhumwa looked ready to dance her way through Paris in her new beret, pretty-in-pink laced top, striped skirt and flats, while clutching her n...

Project 1:27 video (2016)

The Great Awakening

Elaine Fallesen 0 7132

The Great Awakening By Elaine Fallesen Family Ministry, Climbing For Christ One man wakes, awakens another. Second one wakes his next door brother. Three awake can rouse a town and turn the whole place upside down. Many awake will cause such a fuss it finally wakes all of us. ...

Project 1:27 Update

Connecting through caring

Elaine Fallesen 0 4679

Connecting through caring By Elaine Fallesen Climbing For Christ It was what many of us used to call a “Kodak moment”: Fourteen-year-old Chiring, an orphan in Kathmandu, Nepal, was nearly beside himself with happiness as he stared at a Facebook photo of his Project ...