Dispatches: Friday, March 16
“We started this work by God's power,” Miguel said at breakfast, meaning it was God alone who delivered the entire team to Malasi despite constant attacks by the enemy.
With that — and lots of prayer — we began our first day of seminary conference teachings and the first day of medical clinics under the big top that is the Eric Memorial Tent.

Jordan teaching about evangelism with Rosie translating at start of seminary conference.
Jordan, Pastor Don and Joshua taught about evangelism and discipleship to a group of 15 pastors and leaders from six churches. “God is a God Who demands our complete devotion,” Don told them. “The only way the world will be healed and restored is through Him.” And Him alone!
We spoke against voodoo and asked the Haitian pastors if they preach against the evil that grips their country. In unison they said: “Oui” (yes).
While half of the team was addressing spiritual ills the other half was seeing to the physical problems that plague the people of Malasi and surrounding villages. Dr. Steve's team treated about 80 people and gave out another 15 vaccines.
As always our goal — our hope — is to allow God to use us to cure all that ails the people in these mountain villages.
The team was reunited at 2:30 a.m. when both repaired trucks reached Malasi more than 20 hours after we left Thoman. Miguel and Janelle needed to return to Jimani, DR for parts while Rosie, Lisa and Eileen waited on Thursday with many of our Haitian friends in Foret des Pins. The rest of us hiked two hours to Malasi to deliver vaccines and set up the EMT (Eric Memorial Tent, which honors the late Dr. Eric Cederstrom of Rochester, NY, USA) for five days of medical clinics.

The new EMT (Eric Memorial Tent) opens for His business.