DISPATCHES: Nepal (May 2013)
By Gary Fallesen
Climbing For Christ president
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.” – Isaiah 55:8-9 (ESV)
It seemed a clear directive. Ask for funding to GO to Nepal and receive more than enough funding to GO to Nepal. [See E-Newsletter 222.] This was God’s plan, right?
And then the usual spiritual attacks set in, including illness. No worries. We’ve been this way before.
But in the hours before we thought we were to GO, there was a family emergency – and the Spirit led us to stay. I was needed in Rochester, NY more than I was needed in Nepal at this time. I postponed Mission: Nepal. Or, perhaps more accurately, God postponed Mission: Nepal.
This has happened before. Last summer, we were preparing for Mission: Ararat. My father was battling pancreatic cancer. God told me that September 2013 was not the time for me to GO to Turkey; I was needed more in New York. My father died on what would have been the second day of Mission: Ararat.
How often do we miss God’s directions along the trails (and trials) of life?
Climbing For Christ was founded – incorporated as a non-profit in 2004 – on four pillars: Evangelic Expeditions, Partners in Climb, Summit Stewards, and Family Ministry. God has refined our vision and mission. We are a sending organization, part of the Great Go-Mission. While our focus has been honed on Evangelic Expeditions, we’ve held tightly to the ideals behind the other pillars: to reach out to the lost within the climbing community (Partners in Climb) or any community for that matter; to care for God’s creation (Summit Steward), and to be a Family Ministry.
We take seriously the truth that family is our first ministry, and we encourage you to do the same.