Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Mission Moments: Nepal

The church (blue roof) at Simikot, district headquarters for Humla in the northwest corner of Nepal. (Photos by Megh Gurung)

Enjoying a spiritual feast in Humla

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

Megh Gurung desired to take flight and leave the Humla District. But God had other plans. “I did not get (my) flight,” he explained, “and spent time with Kali, Thana, Hari, and (Pastor) Harka’s family. We prayed.”

And prayed. And prayed.

The group spent two hours together at the church at Simikot. “We prayed for the Humla District and for our trip in 2020, too. Prayer was so good with many prayer requests.”

Megh declared: “It was as a spiritual feast!”

Megh, our Nepali kingdom worker, was blessed by this time with our brothers and sisters in the country’s northwest corner. It was a short visit, but a powerful one.

During Mission: Nepal 2019, Part 1 in February, Megh and I prayed through planning for 2019 and 2020. Among the goals God put on our heart:

  • Build a church and evangelism training center in Pokhara that will emphasize teaching and sending workers into seven districts.
  • Treks to the remote and unreached Tsum Valley in the Manaslu area in November 2019, return to the Rolpa and Humla districts in May 2020, and trek into a new area (Kanchenjunga, the world’s third-highest peak) on Mission: Nepal 2020, Part 2 in October 2020.

In advance of our team GO-ing to Rolpa and Humla in 2020, Megh would visit those Mid-West districts where Climbing For Christ has built three churches. But snows, resulting from unseasonable and frequent rains, blocked Megh from flying into Simikot for several weeks. He finally arrived on Tuesday, May 7. It was the first time we had returned to Humla since our Mission: Nepal 2017 team trekked more than 100 kilometers out of the district into the neighboring Mugu District on an Evangelic Expedition in September 2017.

Thana’s family, above, and Hari’s family, below. We met both brothers in Christ in November 2012. They were in a small fellowship of seven believers in a house church in Simikot. They asked us to pray for women to come to Christ so they could marry. Now, they have growing families in a church body that has grown into the hundreds. In 2016, we dedicated the house of worship Climbing For Christ helped fund in Simikot, the first church built in Humla.

“Pastor Harka’s wife and Thana came to pick me up at the airport,” Megh reported. “I went to the church and spent two hours and ate lunch. After that, Thana and I departed to the village of Dandafaya.”

Thana has helped guide us and served with Climbing For Christ since our first visit in 2012, when we went not knowing if there were any believers in this unreached area. We met nine Christians, including Thana. He accepted the task of following up in villages where outreach has occurred and exploring new places. He receives a little support from C4C.

Megh and Thana met five people in Dandafaya who were interested in learning about Jesus. “But they did not give their lives to the LORD,” Megh said. He and Thana returned to Simikot that night.

The following day, they visited several villages we have frequented over the years. Greetings were received on our behalf. “We prayed in those villages for open hearts as soon as possible,” Megh said.

They again returned to Simikot that night with Megh hoping to get a flight out the next day to return to Kathmandu. Instead, they had a prayer feast. 

Megh gave this woman from Dojam village a Tibetan audio Bible. Kali, below with his wife Dhankali (another of the first believers in Humla), gave her an audio Bible on our last visit and she came to the LORD through it. She accidently dropped that audio Bible in the water in April. On Thursday, May 9, the day Megh hoped to fly out of Humla, this sister in Christ came to Simikot to shop. It was divine timing – she received a new audio Bible.

The Word

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness…” – Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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