Mission Moments: Pakistan
Providing CHRISTmas joy to children in need
When a Pakistani woman is widowed and finds herself alone with her children, she may take a job cleaning houses and be paid only one dollar per day. This is not enough to feed her entire family.
To make matters worse, most Christians living in Pakistan rent their homes. Rent and high utility bills often force families to move in with other relatives. “But they (those taking in their relatives) have their own family and cannot help them a long time,” said Evangelist Haseeb, a Climbing For Christ member since 2011.
This leads some to put their children in an orphanage like Save Pakistan’s.
For the past two years, Haseeb and his family and their ministry have cared for about two dozen children. That number increased in 2016 as C4C’s Project 8:36 worked with Save Pakistan to free 22 children and 14 adults from lifelong indebtedness that left them in brick factory slavery. Six of the freed children were orphans.
Haseeb leads orphans to CHRISTmas gift boxes, above, and cuts birthday cake for Jesus, below. (Photos by Save Pakistan)
Save Pakistan celebrated CHRISTmas in December with gift boxes and blankets for orphans in their care and also for children still enslaved in brick factories. Climbing For Christ was blessed to help this effort with a contribution of US$1,122.50.
“It helped us so much and it makes us able to reach out to the children for their joyful CHRISTmas,” said Haseeb, who expressed thanks to donors.
The children in the orphanage worshiped, prayed, shared in the Word of God, cut Jesus’s birthday cake, and “it was totally blessed,” Haseeb reported. “We handed out 25 gifts with blankets and the children were so happy, blessed and excited to celebrate Jesus Christ. They were thankful to God for His mercy hands on them and provided all that they need.”
There are many waiting to have their needs met. Project 8:36, based on John 8:36 (“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”), is continuing to help in this area.
Orphans receiving Christmas gifts at the brick factory where they are currently forced to work.
In all, Save Pakistan was able to distribute 164 gift boxes and 55 blankets to children. They were limited only by the funding received.
May there be no such limitation when it comes to delivering on the debts that have been handed down from generation to generation to the youngest of the least of these.
Helping hands
Please contribute to the care of the least of these by sending a donation to Climbing For Christ c/o Project 8:36, PO Box 16290, Rochester, NY 14616-0290 USA. Or CLICK HERE to give via PayPal and email info@ClimbingForChrist.org to alert us about your donation.
In Canada, make checks payable to The Great Commission Foundation, and on the memo line add Climbing For Christ CANADA c/o Project 8:36. Mail your support to: The Great Commission Foundation, #3 – 1335 Trans Canada Way SE, Medicine Hat, AB T1B 1J1. Or CLICK HERE to give online. Type “Project 8:36” in the comments box on that page.
Thank you. Pray on!