Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Mission Moments: Tanzania
Gary Fallesen
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Mission Moments: Tanzania

Go, tell it on the mountain Kilimanjaro (part 1)

Written by Gary Fallesen, Climbing For Christ president
Reports and photos provided by Damson Samson, Africa coordinator


We were blessed with a $29,250 matching grant by the AHEAD Initiative for our 2025 disciple-making work in Tanzania (Kilimanjaro Chapter) and Malawi (Mulanje Massif Chapter). The January training of Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters is the first of 10 trainings scheduled between Tanzania and Malawi. We are grateful to AHEAD (Accelerating Horn and East Africa DMMs) for this support. It is our second such grant for DMD work in Tanzania and Malawi.

Monday, Jan. 20

Kilimanjaro Chapter leaders (left to right) Joshua Murutu, Jonas Minja, Baraka Lembawe, Aman Minja, Elyason Mosha, Asheri Marko, and John Mollel meeting on Saturday, Jan. 18.

Damson Samson, Climbing For Christ’s Africa coordinator, has begun his travels from southern Malawi to northeastern Tanzania. He flew from Blantyre, Malawi to Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where he has to overnight (as usual) before his flight to Kilimanjaro International Airport.

Before Damson began his travels, Kilimanjaro Chapter coordinator (and C4C’s Kingdom worker for Tanzania) John Mollel met with chapter leaders to discuss the program for this month’s training. While the second of two classes will be taught the first two steps in the seven-step process of “Discovering the Bible,” the main focus of this first quarterly training is home visits. Damson is to check on the health of each chapter member’s small group.

During Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024, Part 2 last July, I taught 18 of our 50-some guides and porters on the mountain about discipling and growing different-size groups. “Smaller” small groups are defined as 3-to-15 people, “medium” 16-to-50, and “large” 50-plus. I challenged those with smaller groups to grow to medium by Mission: Kilimanjaro 2025, and the four with medium (John and porter-turned-pastor Godlove Kowero from the original class, and Moses Kimaro and Johnson Kimaro from our second class) to be large by this year.

Tuesday, Jan.21

Damson has arrived in Moshi, Tanzania. His prayer for this quarterly training: “May we keep all these activities in His hands so that it can yield more to His glory.” He asks the Lord of the harvest to bring more workers from this chapter. “We need good shepherds who can lay down their lives for the sake of the sheep. (We ask for) strength and commitment so our team is ready to save the lost. (We also ask for) open doors to more homes and groups so we can reach as many as possible.”

Wednesday, Jan. 22

Damson met with leaders from the Moshi side of the Kilimanjaro Chapter and told them about Jesus cursing the fig tree (Matthew 21:19). “God is expecting us to bring forth as many lives as possible,” he told them. “Climbing For Christ is as the farmer who opened the farm (in Tanzania) expecting to see more yield. We have planted and done all the steps necessary. I have been sent to see what is on the ground. Get ready to show me what you have so I can be a witness to the fruits you have on the ground.”

Thursday, Jan. 23

The leaders from the Marangu, Moshi, and Kilema sides of the Kilimanjaro Chapter met with Damson to discuss their plans for the year. “I was impressed to learn they want to make their groups more solid than last year,” Damson reported. “Many shared how they see themselves growing more and having more room to serve the Lord this year.

“They also shared how they are planning to see their families standing financially by venturing into agriculture more so they can have food to keep their families running as they are preaching Jesus around their communities.”

This moved Damson to share Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.’

“I was teaching them that God had a plan even before He had man on earth.”

Friday, Jan. 24

Kilimanjaro Chapter leaders unite on Sango Mountain.

“And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice – the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.” – Romans 12:1

The Kilimanjaro Chapter leaders went to Sango Mountain for a time of fasting and prayer. Damson shared Romans 12:1 and talked about dying to the desires of the body so the Spirit can be alive in us. The group did confessional prayer and then lifted the work of Climbing For Christ around the world. They prayed for families and for the chapter training and ministry taking place this time in Tanzania.

The leaders talked about how when we (Damson and I) are with them, they are about God’s business. But “when you go, everybody goes to his own business.” Meetings produce low turnout, and little is accomplished.

Damson instructed the leaders to meet every month to fast and pray (as they did on this day). They should visit small groups to encourage them. And outreach needs to continue.

“Evangelism must be active even when we are not going as a group,” Damson said, referring to our outreach expeditions on Mount Kilimanjaro in January and July last year. “We need to have brochures ready for every member climbing so they can share and when they are back they should report (results).”

Everyone was in agreement and prayed to this end.

Saturday, Jan. 25

Damson Samson, center standing, teaches our second class of Kilimanjaro guides and porters.

Our second class of DMD students met to learn more from “Discovering the Bible.” Damson opened with a message from John 1:12 (“But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God”), saying, “We have been given power to become His children. As sons of God, we have the ability to bring great change to the lives of men.”

He warned: “The devil is willing to bring more disruption, but we are praying.” He then invited the guides and porters in attendance to hold hands as he prayed against the enemy and for the work God is doing through Climbing For Christ.

Pastor Winford Mosha, who we first met in a divine appointment on the inaugural Mission: Kilimanjaro 2007, spoke about C4C’s work and his appreciation for what has been accomplished on and around Mount Kilimanjaro. “It was like a dream when all this started,” he said, thinking back to our first meeting and speaking of a shared vision to teach guides and porters and to reach out to tourists coming to Tanzania from around the world. “Now we are witnessing the great work done throughout.”

He then shared Deuteronomy 6:5: “And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.”

Studying God’s Word together during DTB breakouts.

Damson then taught the first two of seven steps that conclude “Discovering the Bible”: “Seeing the Bible Come Alive.” This is a lesson in taking God’s Word, interpreting it, and then applying it to real-life situations.

Sunday, Jan. 26

A time of worship and preparation for the week ahead.

Monday, Jan. 27

Guides and porters, above, who heard the Good News on Kilimanjaro during outreach last year. Below, five of the guides and porters receiving Jesus in prayer.

Guides and porters reached with the Gospel on Mount Kilimanjaro last year during outreach expeditions were invited to a gathering that included 15 members from the Kilimanjaro Chapter. Twenty-eight of those who heard about Jesus or accepted Him as Savior on the mountain appeared at this meeting.

Damson talked about the Spirit giving them the power to become “children of God” (John 1:12). “We are not sons of God because we go to church,” Damson explained. “It is by the given power from above as we believe in His name. This is the inheritance we have from the Father through Christ Jesus. The power to heal broken bones. The power to move mountains from one location to another.”

Jonas Minja, one of the chapter leaders, taught the group about the story of dry bones (Ezekiel 37). He told them, “Many lives are not born again, and they are going down to hell every hour. They have never hoped one day they will come to this (place), but God knows all.”

After his sharing, five of the guides and porters we invited came forward to ask Jesus into their hearts and lives.

Damson also explained what Climbing For Christ is about and what we are doing in Tanzania. He introduced them to the small groups our chapter members have formed and connected them with leaders. Our goal was to plug those reached on the mountain into our numerous small groups to disciple them.

Ernest Aloest Ngowi.

One of the men we met on the mountain who attended this meeting was Ernest Aloest Ngowi from Marangu. We met him at Karanga Camp during Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024, Part 2 in July. Ernest was one of several who prayed to receive Jesus. He then returned later to ask for prayer for reconciliation with his son, who had gotten a job and moved away.

“After I had prayed for him, a wonder happened,” Damson reported. “The son called the father and sent him 500,000 Tanzanian shillings. He received it with tears. He never thought such a kind thing would happen to him. He knew this was God at work answering his prayers on the mountain. He came (to the meeting) to witness to us and tell what heaven has done.”

Tuesday, Jan. 28

Kilimanjaro Chapter leaders Jonas Minja and John Mollel, first two at left, joined Damson with six members of Living Akyo Moshi’s small group. Samuel Urumba, in red fourth from left, was plugged into this group after becoming a believer on Monday.

Damson began his house visits in Moshi. The goal is to see the small groups being led by our members. But each place turned into a revival meeting as is often the case in Tanzania.

They started with Living Akyo Moshi’s group. He has 10 members but only six were available to meet. One young man in the group, Samuel Urumba, received Jesus on Monday at the Kilimanjaro Chapter meeting. He said he did not expect to turn his life over to Christ, but the story of Paul and Silas in prison touched him. “Whatever is holding you, let God come down and you will be freed,” Damson had instructed. “Any door close, it will be opened.”

“He appreciated how powerful the prayers were,”  Damson said today.

While at Living’s house a friend of Kilimanjaro Chapter coordinator John Mollel called. His name is John Minja. He and his wife have been having serious problems. They have not been speaking, and she had blocked him from seeing his children. Damson prayed for him on Monday and later in the day he received a call from his wife wanting to discuss their family issues. “He was very surprised how it all happened,” Damson said. “He’s a very happy and excited man who thanks heaven.”

Another home that was visited by Damson had only Ibra Momoya, his wife, and their young son. It turns out Ibra’s family was Muslim before being taught by Climbing For Christ.

Daniel Nasari, above left in black clothing with two children, and his small group. Below, a new member of Daniel’s group is prayed for by Damson (and others, including Daniel) after confessing his need for Jesus.

At Daniel Nasari’s house, one person attending the Bible study there was led to the Lord. Damson has taken to calling these “hot moments.” So far, he has said, he is having one hot moment after another. God is working in the hearts of many in and around the Kilimanjaro Chapter. And all of heaven is rejoicing.

Wednesday, Jan. 29

Mr. Njau joins the family.

Damson’s house visits continued in Kilema and Moshi. He started with Jeffry Njau’s group, where he shared the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19) and as part of our training had members of the group retell the story in their words. “It was overwhelming to learn how quick they managed to understand it all,” Damson said.

And just as Jesus said to Zacchaeus, in Luke 19:9, “Salvation has come to this home today,” the Spirit moved in Jeffry Njau’s house. Jeffry’s father asked to receive Christ.

As Damson prayed for Mr. Njau, he told him, “You are the infant (new believer). But as the father of this family, know that God is delivering your entire family.” While praying it was revealed by the Spirit that there had been a loss of life in this house. “It was opened to me that he had buried three men in this family and the last one was just buried a few days ago,” Damson said. “I prayed with some (grieving) family members who really needed prayers in this house.”

Joshua Murutu’s small group, where the young man on the far left (and below) was saved.

In the next house, where Joshua Murutu’s small group meets, Damson spoke about Moses and how God can call someone to rescue their own people. He then prayed for the group, during which “one young man desired to be rescued,” Damson said. “He made a decision to accept Jesus. He explained to me after the prayer time that this was the first time he heard such prayers.” 

Thursday, Jan. 30

The day began with torrential rain.

Despite heavy rainfall that made traveling to more houses difficult, Damson reached four groups. The first, in the home of second-class leader Moses Kimaro, was a large group. Damson taught from Mark 10:46 about the blind beggar Bartimaeus. As with our training, the group read this passage twice and then asked questions to those in the group. “Their response was so amazing,” Damson said. “They even shared the story according to their understanding of the whole story of the blind man.”

Damson suggested that for the blind man to have heard about Jesus passing him on the road, he must have been told about the wonders that Jesus had been doing, and he believed in Him. “Faith really comes by hearing the Word of God,” he said, which led one woman in Moses’ group to ask to receive this Jesus.

Moses Kimaro, back row center in green, is a not-so-small man with a not-so-little small group, above. Below, a woman in the group is saved.

From Moses’ home, Damson traveled with his daily companions, John and Jonas, to the home of Julius Kinarik. There, another woman accepted Christ as her Savior.

Jonas, above left, preached and then prayed for this new believer. Below, more people join the family of God.

At Eliakim Mwanyika’s house, Damson spoke about salvation and the Spirit moved three people to ask for this gift. As they received it all of heaven rejoiced.

They house visits finished for the day at Dives Mamuya’s home, where Jonas again preached.

Friday, Jan. 31

Kibo, the tallest summit of Mount Kilimanjaro, shows up after another day of rain.

The plan was to reach two distant groups, but heavy rain again made travel difficult. This time rain combined with wind knocking down trees and prompting Damson to suggest the two groups come together as one. The turnout at Daud Shayo’s house was limited, but the group prayed, sang, and listened to Jonas’ preaching. When he finished one young boy came forward to receive Jesus.

Some who braved the rain to meet with Daud, top center in blue, included the young boy in the black sweater who accepted Jesus, below.

Saturday, Feb. 1

Damson, above, presenting speakers (below) with Bible sim cards for use in small-group study and on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Damson met with eight of the small group leaders to hand out Bible sim cards purchased by Climbing For Christ from Unknown Nations along with speakers to be used to help them teach when they meet with their groups. Each of the brothers expressed thanks to C4C.

“Every one of them have agreed to keep their groups growing and they will be meeting once in a week,” Damson said as his time in Tanzania winds down. He will be in worship and pack up tomorrow to begin travel on Monday. It has been another fruitful time spent with Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters.

Sunday, Feb. 2

Denis Makule, right, sharing the Gospel with a co-worker at Mweka Camp on Mount Kilimanjaro.

Not everyone was home for Damson to visit their small group. Denis Makule, for one, was working on Mount Kilimanjaro. He was not only serving clients, but he was also serving the King. “Taking from what we have shared during our time of taking the Gospel in the mountain (during Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024, Part 2), Denis Makule is in the mountain preaching,” Damson said. “Two accepted Jesus Christ!”

Monday, Feb. 3

Jonas Minja, left, prays with three new believers.

Damson began traveling back to his home in Malawi. But the work of this visit continued. Jonas Minja, one of our Kilimanjaro Chapter leaders, returned to Eliakim Mwanyika’s home. Damson, Jonas, and chapter coordinator John Mollel were there on Jan. 30. This time, Jonas again shared the Good News and three more people prayed to ask Jesus into their hearts and lives.

At least 19 souls were saved during this quarterly visit. Glory to God!

We praise God for the ways He has used us to teach our brothers in Christ to share Jesus on and off the mountain.

Tuesday, Feb. 4

Damson returned home safely to Malawi. Praise God! We are full of gratitude for this first quarterly training of the Kilimanjaro Chapter and looking ahead to the first training of the year for the Mulanje Massif Chapter later this month in Malawi. 


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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