Gary Fallesen / Wednesday, March 9, 2011 / Categories: Tanzania, Mission: Kilimanjaro 2011, Dispatches Monday, March 9 “Worship can be powerful,” Shelly told the guides and porters attending our Kilimanjaro Chapter evangelism training at Pastor Winford Mosha's Lutheran church in Marangu. She pointed to 2 Chronicles 20 and the story of how King Jehoshaphat “appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise him” in order to defeat opposing armies. “There is power in worship,” Shelly said. Shelly was concluding our teaching with a short section on music. It was one of the tools we were encouraging our brothers in Christ to use as outreach on the mountain. Dawson Chonjo, one of our chapter leaders, attested to what Shelly was saying. He told the story of a struggling group that he was leading being “pushed” up the mountain. They asked him, in disbelief, how they made Kilimanjaro's summit. He told them it was the Holy Spirit. Elaine Fallesen talking with Pastor Mosha about the Gospel bracelet. We began the teaching with a review of the Gospel bracelet. Last year our team taught the guides and porters how to make them and how to share them. This time we delivered bracelets from the “Threads of Hope” ministry and Elaine taught them again about the significance of the colors (gold, black, red, white and green). Mike Heitland sharing on the Word with Pastor Mosha translating. We then encouraged them in their own spiritual walks and in witnessing to others. Each team member told a “love story” — or why the Lord led them to be here at this time. We followed that with a teaching on prayer and Mike discussed the importance of the Word (and how they might be the only Bible someone on the mountain ever sees). There was a good deal of praying together and a song shared. There were only six guides and porters able to attend as many were working on the mountain, along with several church members and three Zaire refugees who came from Congo to get resources Mike brought for another ministry. But we rejoiced in the opportunity to share before returning to Moshi to make final preparations for the start of our climb on Thursday. We know God has divine appointments awaiting and, like our Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters, we are equipped to share Christ's love with those we encounter. Tuesday, March 8 Thursday, March 10 Print 3658 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author