Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023

Dispatches: Tanzania 2023

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023

Gary Fallesen 0 800

The roots of Climbing For Christ are found in the East African country of Tanzania. Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023 is our 15th expedition here. Check for Dispatches from Feb. 24 to March 10. Mission: Malawi 2023 will follow March 11-20.

Mandi Taylor

Gary Fallesen 0 326

Nationality: American. Occupation: RN. Missions with C4C: Kilimanjaro 2023. How long have you climbed? First multi-day backcountry hiking trip in Wind Rivers (Wyoming) when I was a young teen. Type of climbing you do: Light mountaineering. Have hiked Mount Rainier, Granite Peak in Montana, and Gannett Peak in Wyoming. A lot of boulder crossing and glacier traversing. Highlight of climbing career: Summit of Gannett Peak with my dad. 

Jenna Winkler

Gary Fallesen 0 307

Nationality: American. Occupation: Non-profit land conservation. Missions with C4C: Kilimanjaro 2023.

How long have you climbed? 10 years – I started climbing in college. Type of climbing you do: Mostly rock climbing, bouldering, and some sport. Although there’s many peaks around Salt Lake City that I’ve enjoyed hiking. Highlight of climbing career: Climbing my very first boulder problem – the Sugar Cube in Taylor Canyon, Colorado.

Elaine Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 13617

Elaine Fallesen and a widow enjoying the moment in rural Malawi after taking a grand tour of her new home, one of more than three dozen homes for forgotten widows rebuilt through Climbing For Christ in 2017. Nationality: USA. Occupation: Women's and Family Ministry/Communications Director, Climbi...

Gary Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 42738

Nationality: American of Danish descent. Occupation: Missionary. Missions with C4C: Dominican Republic 2005; Haiti 2006, 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009 (twice), 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013; Indonesia 2007, 2010, 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019; Kilimanjaro 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 201...

Damson Samson

Gary Fallesen 0 1874

Damson, center, on the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (Uhuru Peak) with Mission: Kilimanjaro 2016 teammates Joe Trussell, left, and the late Jim Doenges. Nationality: Malawian. Occupation: C4C missionary to East Africa since 2014. Missions with C4C: Kilimanjaro 2014 (twice), 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and ...

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023

Discovering the Bible

Gary Fallesen 0 1673

Climbing For Christ has come a long way from its birth by God in the heart of Gary Fallesen before a Kilimanjaro climb in 1998. Guides and porters do more than work on Mount Kilimanjaro now. They are disciples being taught to make disciples and plant churches in East Africa. We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Gary’s first climb and teaching Kilimanjaro Chapter members more about “Discovering the Bible.”

