Climbing For Christ


Hispaniola: Haiti and the Dominican Republic

Gary Fallesen 0 10367

Hispaniola is an island in the Caribbean that is shared by two countries: the Afro-Caribbean Haiti to the west and the Hispanic Dominican Republic to the east. This is where Christopher Columbus landed in 1492 — “discovering” America. When Columbus arrived, the island was in...


Mission: Haiti 2022

Swept away

Gary Fallesen 0 2465

Climbing For Christ has been providing instruction, prayer, and support in the mountains of Haiti since 2005. The New Generation took over where we left off in 2014 with our financial support and ongoing advice.

Mission: Haiti 2021

The work goes on

Gary Fallesen 0 4113

What God started through Climbing For Christ from 2005 until 2014 has been restarted by a New Generation of workers.


Latest News

Mission Moments: Haiti

Coming to Colorful Colorado

Gary Fallesen 0 203

Haitian Kingdom worker Gilbert Lindor prepares to graduate from medical school as he revisits Colorado to share about the failed state of Haiti, celebrate the story God has written (and is writing) for him, plan 2025, and have his prosthesis repaired. Read on!

Special Report: Haiti

On the border of nightmares and God’s dream

Gary Fallesen 0 129

Haiti and Haitians facing a nightmarish life in crisis can find peace, hope, and a future in Christ. C4C's New Generation shows young people (and old alike) that God has a plan for them.

Gilbert Lindor

Gary Fallesen 0 931

Nationality: Haitian. Dominican resident. Occupation: Medical school student and Kingdom worker of Climbing For Christ in Haiti; leader of C4C’s New Generation (C4CNG).

How long have you climbed? Grew up in the Chaine de la Selle range. Type of climbing you do: Hiking.

Mission: Haiti 2024

Lighting the way for children to learn

Gary Fallesen 0 920

Climbing For Christ continues its prayer and financial support for the work in Haiti, especially for the schools in Majon, Morne des Commissaires, and Kalimet, as well as ministry carried out by C4C’s New Generation.

Mission Moments: Haiti

Gary Fallesen 0 629

Introducing “Sponsor A Teacher.” You can support a teacher for $150 a month. You can be part of the miracle that Jean Ronal Michel has seen or pour into the giving heart of someone like Venold Cine. Help educated hundreds of children in the mountains of Haiti in villages where there were no schools before Climbing For Christ started them.

Special Report: Haiti 2023

The Light on the mountain

Gary Fallesen 0 696

Haiti was a desperate, uninviting place when we first went there in 2005. But it was bad long before we arrived, and it has gotten worse since. “Almost no missionaries are traveling to Haiti at present. The risk of kidnapping – the risk of simply driving past areas where gang snipers indiscriminately shoot an average of six victims a week – is too high.” Yet the work GOes on, thanks to Climbing For Christ’s New Generation – home-grown laborers.

Gary Fallesen

Gary Fallesen 0 42307

Nationality: American of Danish descent. Occupation: Missionary. Missions with C4C: Dominican Republic 2005; Haiti 2006, 2007 (twice), 2008, 2009 (twice), 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013; Indonesia 2007, 2010, 2012, 2017, 2018 and 2019; Kilimanjaro 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 201...

Mission: Haiti 2023

From jaws of death to hands and feet of Christ

Gary Fallesen 0 994

MISSION: HAITI 2023 is not a short-term mission. Climbing For Christ’s New Generation, a group of about 35 young Haitians, have continued the ministry started by Climbing For Christ from 2005 to 2013.

Mission: Haiti 2022

Swept away

Gary Fallesen 0 2465

Climbing For Christ has been providing instruction, prayer, and support in the mountains of Haiti since 2005. The New Generation took over where we left off in 2014 with our financial support and ongoing advice.

Mission Moments: Haiti

Medical mission: Visible to God

Gary Fallesen 0 1220

Climbing For Christ’s New Generation (Haiti) conducted a medical mission to the mountain villages of Kalimet and Majon. “People were very happy to receive our work teams. They came in large numbers to wait for us. Everyone considered our presence there a miracle.” Most had never seen a doctor. Those who had told horror stories.
