Climbing For Christ



Mission: Nepal 2024


Gary Fallesen 0 1273

Mission: Nepal 2024 will be Climbing For Christ’s 21st expedition in this Himalayan nation. It is scheduled for May.

Mission: Nepal 2023

Praying for open doors in the East

Gary Fallesen 0 1277

Would you hike 40 miles to pray for someone you’ve never met? That’s what Climbing For Christ does – and will do again on our 20th expedition to Nepal.


Latest News

Photo of the Week: CHRISTmas 2018

Gary Fallesen 0 1946
(Photo by Pastor Tej Rokka, SARA) Jwaye Nwel. Joyeux Noël. Feliz Navidad. Merisa Krisamasa. Khrisimasi yabwino. Krismasi ya furaha. Wada Din Mubarik. Merry CHRISTmas! Our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the Climbing For Christ world are celebrating the birth of our Savior, includ...

Mission: Turkey 2019

Gary Fallesen 0 305

Together, a world apart The Turk and the American may be a world apart culturally and spiritually, but they share a love of cherries and friendships with Kurdish people. Governments cannot divide them – even though we know our fights are not against flesh and blood but evil rulers and authori...

Photo of the Week: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 2192
Sign of the times: Nepali worker Megh Gurung notes that warnings like this are being posted around the country by the Hindu majority. “But (we’re) not getting fear from them,” he says. “God’s work is going on well here.” (Photo by Megh Gurung)

Mission: Nepal 2018 Video

Gary Fallesen 0 1911
God is moving in Nepal! Enjoy this video about our latest mission to reach the lost and encourage the body of Christ in several hard-to-reach areas. CLICK HERE to read the Trip Report from this Evangelic Expedition.

Trip Report: Nepal 2018

Gary Fallesen 0 3048
God’s math doesn’t add up; He multiplies Story and photos by Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ “The seeds that fell on good ground are the people who hear and understand the message. They produce as much as 100 or 60 or 30 times what was planted.” &ndas...

Dispatches: Nepal 2018

Gary Fallesen 0 3545
Mission: Nepal 2018 By Gary and Elaine Fallesen Sunday, April 22 Pastor Tej Rokka and his wife, Bidhya (left to right); Gary and Elaine, and Bhim and Megh Gurung. Elaine is holding the C4C birthday cake our Nepali brothers and sisters presented us on April 20. We read a devotion...

Photo of the Week: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 1873
Elaine Fallesen (left) and Megh Gurung trek toward the next village in Nepal. CLICK HERE to read the Dispatches from Mission: Nepal 2018, as our team of four (two Americans and two Nepalis) trek far beyond the beaten path to shine the light of Jesus into the lives of those who are yet walking in ...

Mission Nepal 2018 Prayer Bulletin

Gary Fallesen 0 2598
Please stand with us in prayer for this Evangelic Expedition from April 5-22. Learn more by opening the document below. Share it with other prayer warriors. Thanks in advance for interceding on our behalf. Pray on!