2014 World Watch List

Gary Fallesen

2014 World Watch List

The World Watch list for 2014 compiled by Open Doors, a ministry that serves persecuted Christians globally, noted that “the main engine driving persecution of Christians (in 36 of  the 50 countries ranked is) Islamic extremism.”

Climbing For Christ has been blessed to work in six of the 50 countries listed and has members in eight others. These countries are: Bangladesh (new to the list at No. 48), China (ranked 37th), Colombia (25), India (28), Indonesia (47), Kenya (43), Malaysia (40), Morocco (44), Myanmar (23), Nigeria (14), Pakistan (8), Saudi Arabia (6), Tanzania (49) and Uzbekistan (15).

We encourage you to accept the “5-5-5 Challenge” from Open Doors. Pray 5 minutes (or more) for one country per week through the year, enlist 5 friends to do the same, and give $5 a month (or more) to those working with the persecuted church.

The 2014 World Watch List (with last year’s ranking in parenthesis):

Extreme persecution

1. North Korea (1)
2. Somalia (5)
3. Syria (11)
4. Iraq (4)
5. Afghanistan (3)
6. Saudi Arabia (2)
7. Maldives (6)
8. Pakistan (14)
9. Iran (8)
10. Yemen (10)
11. Sudan (12)
12. Eritrea (10)
13. Libya (17)
14. Nigeria (13)

Severe persecution

15. Uzbekistan (16)
16. Central African Republic (unranked)
17. Ethiopia (15)
18. Vietnam (21)
19. Qatar (20)
20. Turkmenistan (19)
21. Laos (18)
22. Egypt (25)
23. Myanmar (32)
24. Brunei (27)
25. Colombia (46)
26. Jordan (34)
27. Oman (22)

Moderate persecution

28. India (31)
29. Sri Lanka  (unranked)
30. Tunisia (30)
31. Bhutan (28)
32. Algeria (29)
33. Mali (7)
34. Palestinian Territories (36)
35. United Arab Emirates (26)
36. Mauritania (23)
37. China (37)
38. Kuwait (33)
39. Kazakhstan (48)
40. Malaysia (42)
41. Bahrain (35)
42. Comoros (41)
43. Kenya (40)
44. Morocco (39)
45. Tajikistan (44)
46. Djibouti (43)
47. Indonesia (45)
48. Bangladesh (unranked)
49. Tanzania (24)
50. Niger (50)

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:10 (ESV)

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” – Matthew 5:44 (ESV)


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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