Project 1:27 CHRISTmas
Giving gifts and much more to orphans at CHRISTmas
Giving gifts and much more to orphans at CHRISTmas
By Elaine Fallesen
Family Ministry, Climbing For Christ
Striking an Audrey Hepburn pose, Phiri Nakhumwa looked ready to dance her way through Paris in her new beret, pretty-in-pink laced top, striped skirt and flats, while clutching her new red and black plaid school bag. It was easy to see she was enjoying her special CHRISTmas gifts.
Esnart shows off her new outfit and school bag, purchased through the generosity of Project 1:27 Malawi sponsors. (Malawi photos by Duncan Nyozani)
Phiri, better known in her Climbing For Christ family by her nickname, Esnart, is one of 19 orphans in Malawi, Africa and almost 50 orphans in the nation of Nepal who receive sustenance and much more through the monthly support of caring C4C Project 1:27 sponsors. Project 1:27 is based on the Lord’s command in James 1:27 to “look after orphans ... in their distress.” Sponsors for the orphans have, for the past several years, included an extra dose of love at CHRISTmastime to make joyful celebrations possible for these kids.
The orphans in both countries range in age from 6 to 17 years old. Thanks to their sponsors’ financial provision, all the children received CHRISTmas gifts of new clothes, coats and shoes, new school bags and school supplies, and a CHRISTmas feast to rival the Grinch-carved roast beast.
Our Malawi orphans all dressed up and ready to go, above, and enjoying a CHRISTmas spread under a tent, below.
In Malawi, the children piled into a mini-bus for a ride to a special offsite meal, made even more significant in light of the 1½-year famine that has plagued the nation. (Climbing For Christ has been helping Pastor Duncan Nyozani, a long-time C4C member who cares for the orphans, feed thousands in his church and village throughout the ongoing life-threatening ordeal.)
“We had very wonderful CHRISTmas celebrations with the orphans. The kids were very happy to receive special CHRISTmas gifts. Thank you so much for the donations,” said Pastor Duncan.
Singing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus before digging into three cakes at SARA Children’s Home. (Nepal photos by Tej Rokka)
In Nepal, festivities marking Christ’s birthday abounded at Pastor Tej Rokka’s SARA Children’s Home outside Kathmandu. “We had cakes, decorations, meals, and the children enjoyed singing, dancing and playing a drama of Jesus' birth,” Tej reported. “We took them to church celebration and distributed gift packs of new and winter clothes.
“They were so happy and wanted to celebrate more and more. Many of them said CHRISTmas should come every day. Because there is no sorrow, tension and sadness, but there is joy, peace, celebration and gift sharing. They liked it very much and were full of joy and smiles I could see on their faces. I praise God for such joyful moment.”
Tej added, “On behalf of all children and SARA staff I would like to say big thanks to each sponsor for your prayer, support and friendship. God bless you richly.”
BFFs Shristi and Manju model new winter coats.
And so much more is provided because Project 1:27 exists. The orphans are fed, clothed, sheltered and receive an education. Under the guidance of Pastor Duncan and Pastor Tej, they grow up knowing their best friend, Jesus. They are learning to love their neighbors in the same way they are being loved. And they have hope.
Esnart, for example, was ranked first in her 11th grade class of 95 last spring, and hopes her good grades will get her into the College of Medicine in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi. She wants to become a doctor and someday work in a hospital “to help people, because there aren’t enough hospital workers.”
Would you like to give a Project 1:27 orphan hope? Many orphans still need a sponsor. You can be that sponsor for US$50 a month. This will provide food, medicine, and clothing. Even more, it will show the love of Christ to a child and answer His command to “look after orphans.”
CLICK HERE for the Project 1:27 Nepal page and HERE for Malawi. Then simply email to pledge support for one (or more) of these children.