Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Dispatches: Tuesday, March 20

Two kites flew in the sky over the church at Malasi and schoolgirls jumped rope as Eileen played with the children on a windy but sunny day. Down the hill, dozens upon dozens of people stood in a perpetual line to get in the EMT to see Dr. Steve on the final day of medical clinics. Up and over the next hill, Miguel and Joshua helped a group of women plant corn and beans.

This was a mission moment in time that God planned before time began. It was a precious moment on our last full day in Malasi.

People waiting in the Malasi sun to be seen by Dr. Steve on last day of medical clinic.

Jordan and Eileen — with help from Rosie, Pastor Don and Joshua — repeated Monday's Bible school songs and lesson about King Josiah following God. Eileen, a retired teacher, also taught about colors, numbers and body parts.

Dr. Steve and nurse Lisa continued tending to another 400 sick and injured people in the medical tent. Nearly 1,000 people from throughout the area have received health care the past six days.

Steve also did a more extensive mid-wife training, providing photos of babies from fertilization to delivery. The four mid-wives did not know about the formation of babies. “They were amazed that babies look like that,” Dr. Steve said. “It IS amazing; it’s a miracle.”

Even horses were treated in Malasi. Joshua, who works with horses in the States, applies first aid outside the EMT.

Jordan, Miguel and I discussed the Mission: Haiti future while God’s work was being done today. There is the church build at Jimani to be completed, lessons about voodoo to be taught at the monthly seminary, crops to be planted, water systems to be fixed and improved, and many other projects for which funds need to be raised. Sometimes the hardest part of this work is not here in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation, but in the fundraising to help a broken people.

We continue to pray for healing for this land. Those who have come to serve through Climbing For Christ have given their best to deliver the love of Jesus to the least, last and lost.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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