Dispatches: Monday, March 19

Jordan (with Rosie, left, and Eileen) leading the children in song at Bible school.
Jordan and Eileen taught Bible school, opening in song with the Mission: Haiti standard, “I Am a Friend of God,” and then putting on two puppet plays. The first was a review of last year, when the puppets Bob and Anna taught about sanitation and dental hygiene. The second was the story of King Josiah from 2 Kings 22.
“He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and walked in all the ways of his father David, not turning aside to the right or to the left,” it says in 2 Kings 22:2 of Josiah, who became king at the age of 8. We used Josiah as an illustration of how the schoolchildren should follow the Lord, and not practice voodoo.
After the teachings, the children received deworming pills, vitamins, tooth brushes, cross necklaces, stickers, and a snack.
Snacks also were provided to the estimated 300 people who visited Day 3 of the medical clinic. Among the many who were treated was a sick child who had polio. All of the other family members received vaccines, and we praised God for the ability to eradicate this needless suffering. The team prayed over the child. A team member has been present to pray for every person treated in the EMT as we continue to address physical and spiritual health.
Prayer is the thing that keeps this — and every Climbing For Christ — team going. Prayer and His provision. Of ALL things.
God provided about US$350 through the children at First United Methodist Church in Canon City, CO, USA for the church at Malasi to buy more banana plants. Pastor Don presented this money to Pastor Vilcuis of the Malasi church. Miguel will purchase plants and deliver them to Malasi soon. Farmers in the area are preparing fields for planting because the rainy time has come early, as we have witnessed every day.