Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Mission: Peru 2020


Sponsored climber Edwin Milla, left, and our late missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, during Climbing For Christ’s Mission: Peru 2015 in the Cordillera Blanca. (Photos by Jordan Rowley)

On August 8, 2019, Climbing For Christ’s faithful and beloved missionary to Peru, Jaime Servat, passed on to Heaven. (CLICK HERE to read In Memorium: Jaime Servat.) He has finished the race that was set before him and has joined the great “cloud of witnesses.” Jaime has added his work and service (for which we give thanks and praise) to the cumulative legacy of countless others who have served the mission of God – all for God’s glory!

May all their lives – some known, some unknown; all of whom the world is not worthy – continue to inspire us on to a greater passion and urgency in God’s work of reaching the lost. Because the work must go on! And now in the shadow of this cloud of witnesses, Jaime included, we continue our witness here on earth. We continue to obey Jesus’ invitation to “Be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,” as recorded in Acts 1:8.

We’ve been His witnesses in Peru since 2011. Serving with us since the beginning has been Edwin Milla, our sponsored climber and mountain guide. Edwin has been a key part of six of our seven Evangelic Expeditions to Peru. Beyond his excellent guiding abilities, Edwin has grown into an exceptional evangelist as well, particularly among the Quechua farming communities high in the Andes.

Edwin prays with a Quechua woman in the Cordillera Huayhuash during Mission: Peru 2018.

God has blessed us with numerous open doors among the Quechua people. Prayerfully, Mission: Peru 2020 will see even more fruit as we head back into the Cordillera Blanca to witness to those who have yet to trust in Jesus in these remote villages – and you can be a part of what God is doing!

Please join us in prayer for the logistics of this exciting mission. Pray for open hearts among the Quechua (most of whom practice a form of blended folk religion and Catholicism). Pray for Edwin, who has been hit hard by the loss of his “great companion” Jaime.

And please consider donating to send your C4C staff on this expedition and to provide for New Testaments and other materials for our outreach in the mountains where many do not have access to God’s precious word.

2020 MISSION: Climbing For Christ will return to Peru in late October-early November 2020. This will be Climbing For Christ’s eighth Evangelic Expedition to South America since 2011.

Email for details and a mission application. Applicants must be members of Climbing For Christ. CLICK HERE to join.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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