Project Prayer for the Hindu world, Day 6
Life-giving words of Jesus
By Jordan Rowley, spiritual coordinator, Climbing For Christ
Friday, Nov. 2, 2018
“... Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33
Almighty God,
You have overcome the world! You have conquered sin and sickness; despair and death. You are victorious over the grave. Hell has no power over Your people. We take great comfort in knowing this, though it certainly doesn’t mean that everything will go our way in this world. Many will face rejection from family for putting their faith in You. Many will suffer persecution in Your name. Many will even give their lives as Your martyrs. Yet, in spite of this, we take heart in knowing that You have overcome and that the victory is won. Soon and very soon we will lay hold of our prize – Christ Himself! Lord, grant that many Hindus, who are captive to their world system, would be overcome by the love of Jesus! And grant that many believers, who are free in Christ, would overcome their Hindu neighbors with the love of God.
In JESUS’ name, amen.