Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Project Prayer: Ramadan 2016 - Day 23

Day 23: A sacred stirring – Muslims coming to Christ in unprecedented numbers

By Jordan Rowley, spiritual coordinator, Climbing For Christ

Trekking into the Atlas mountains of North Africa. Nearly 30 Climbing For Christ members have been involved in missions to Indonesia, North and West Africa, and Turkey. Ongoing work also is carried out by indigenous members in four Muslim nations. (Photo by Gary Fallesen)

What began as a series of revelations delivered to one Arabian man about 1,400 years ago has grown into the world’s second-largest religion. After receiving these messages – supposedly from the angel Gabriel – the prophet Muhammad and those who would take the mantle in future generations set out on what would end up being a revolution throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and eventually much more of the world.

Ancient cultures would be radically changed as polytheistic religions and rituals were swept away. Whether by their own free will or through force, the number of those who professed belief in the religion of Muhammad grew rapidly as Islam was spread throughout various cities, kingdoms and empires. Today, more than 23 percent of the world’s nearly 7 billion people are considered to be Muslim.  

Although statistics in the Muslim world can be difficult to come by, it’s relatively safe to say that even within our generation, many (if not most) Christian missionaries and evangelists saw little fruit from their efforts among followers of Islam. And truth be told, it seems that this immense portion of the world’s population did not receive the resources and missionary-power needed to make much of an impact.

Today, however, in spite of continually under-resourced mission work in the Muslim world, there is undoubtedly a rapidly growing response to the Gospel.

Is this because of increased laborers preaching the Gospel in recent years? Is this because of an increased focus on reaching unengaged people groups in the last decade or so? Is it because of increased resources, like radio and TV stations, boldly proclaiming the Good News? Is this because of exponentially increased access to the Internet and Web sites like Facebook?

I believe the answer to each of those questions is both “yes” and “no.”

Of course all of those things have to be factored in to the growing response of Muslims to Christianity, but ultimately, this has been a movement of God to reach out to these people!

The Lord has stirred His people to reach out to the Muslim world like never before.

Therefore, God’s people have been working like never before to bring the Good News to our Muslim neighbors around the globe. God’s people have also been praying like never before. There have been a number of “prayer movements” that have taken off in recent years (such as Climbing For Christ’s Project Prayer: Ramadan, which we’re doing for the sixth straight year). In addition, countless stories have surfaced in recent years of Muslims converting to Christianity because of God-breathed dreams, visions or miracles they experienced.

It’s because of all of these things – combined and working together – that we see a growing a response to Christ among Muslims. Whether through hearing the Gospel from a missionary, a televangelist, a radio program, on the Internet, or a dream or vision from the Lord Himself, many are being saved as God’s Spirit draws them from their place in the House of Islam to the promise of a heavenly home with Christ. For that, we ought to pause – and praise!
Heavenly Father,

We offer You thanks and praise for the sacred stirring You are orchestrating in the Muslim World. This “wind in the House of Islam” is a beautiful and powerful move of Your Spirit. We pray that You would continue to breathe life into many Muslims by sending Your servants, using media resources, and granting them visions and dreams. You are faithful, Lord, to all of the lost sheep. May they hear and heed the voice of the true Shepherd.

We ask that You would use this time of fasting, as many Muslims genuinely seek to draw near to their god as best as they understand him, to awaken their soul to the truth of the Gospel! May a wind of the Spirit blow, may a fire of Your truth kindle, and may a wave of Your grace swell within the House of Islam.

In Jesus’ name, amen!

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Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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