Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Peru, Mission: Peru 2011

September 2011

Jaime Servat, Climbing For Christ’s missionary to Peru, said God “showed me His love and the trails to understand better His grace and mercy through His mountains in the Ancash provinces. Praise God because He is All in All.”

Here are edited excerpts from Jaime’s detailed report of his Sept. 19-27 mission:

“He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliverer, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.” — Psalm 144:2

“…because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in.” — Proverbs 3:12

Sunday, Sept. 18

I arrived to Chalhua at 10:30 a.m. and I met Eleazar, Alison’s grandfather, and he told me that Alison and her grandmother would come on Tuesday. We shared in His word many times during the day.

Monday, Sept. 19

At 3 p.m. I went to Machco village, uphill from Chalhua, to deliver New Testaments to a new believer, lady Irene Luna, her brother Juan and Angel Luna. This was a good time to seed His holy word.

Alison sending a greeting to Climbing For Christ.

At 5 p.m. I went back to Chalhua and Alison and her grandmother, Teresa, were there. They told me that in Lima city they were with (Alison’s mother) Taina. They went to the Evangelical church many times, but were sad because Taina, who is 28 years old, was suffering many epilepsy (seizures). Alison cried to God with her grandmother Teresa to see His healing to Taina. She needs many tests and the total cost would be 600 Peru Soles — or US$217.39 (US$1 = $2.76 PS).

As Alison told about their parting moment, she was embracing me and crying. I said, “Oh my God of mercy and compassion, I claim you as my Eternal Lord. Please be healing Taina so Your daughter Alison will be blessed and joyful. That is my prayer always.”

After this I gave Alison a jacket provided by a tourist from England, a kitchen leather, a towel, and some crackers. Alison was very happy again and her tears were dried by His love and I said: “My Lord is using me and letting me show His love — unique and true.”

Tuesday, Sept. 20

At 9 a.m. I started from Chalhua to Wicruncocha village, arriving five hours later. I was able to rest and then share a blessed message in Conchucos Quechua again in the Good News Church. Praise God!

Wednesday, Sept. 21

At 8:40 a.m. I started from Wicruncocha to Yacuywarmi village, arriving at 9:15 a.m. Brother Avelino and his family met me. Avelino was having stomach pains so I prayed for him and he went to a medical office. He promised to go to church because he was in disobedience. He recognized, in tears, that he was apart from the congregation (the family of believers). He repented with the Lord.

Michel, right, reading from the New Testament given by Jaime.

Then I was talking with his son, brother Michel Agustin, so we prayed and he was reconciled with our Lord Jesus and received a New Testament from the Gideon’s. He was happy and blessed.

At 10:30 a.m. I started from Yacuywarmi to Wicruncocha village, arriving at 11:10 a.m. I told church leader Pedro, “See you next time, if God so desires,” and I started again to Sapcha town at 11:35 a.m. I arrived there at 1:10 p.m. I was sad because the school was closed so I could not meet Julino, who is 14 years old. I rested, ate and drank water. I prayed and was alone going from Sapcha at 1:50 p.m. to Cocha village, where I arrived at 2:30 p.m. I met brother Isidro Olortegui, who is 90 years old and deaf. I prayed for him and he told me that in Cocha the farmers are unbelievers and he is a unique believer.

At 3 p.m. I started to Cacarey village to meet the family of Sister Gregoria, but I was lost one hour in a big forest. You could see the downhill villages. I said, “Oh, my God, I do not (see) this white roof, which I was told to look for by my brother Isidro. Please guide me, and if you want guide me to another place near from the forest.” I was taken another way under prayer in in 30 minutes of walking I could see a farmer lady sitting on her field caring for her animals. It was like she was waiting for me, so I ran to her saying, “God, please I hope she speaks Spanish.” And she spoke Spanish! I said, “Oh my God, I love You.”

I asked her “what is the name of this village?” She said Hornopampa. I said, “Please, lady, here in this village, do you know some Christians?” And she said brother Eleuterio. So, giving thanks to God for that lady that God was using, I went to brother Eleuterio and explained my case. He said, “Do not worry, I will guide you to where sister Gregoria and her family live. But before we go, please pray for my wife, who is suffering body pains.” I prayed for her and then we went to Cacarey. But along the way we met a lady, called Monica, who was 29 years old and has two sons, and she received the Lord Jesus and we gave her a New Testament.

We arrived at Cacarey village at 5 p.m. I said goodbye to brother Eleuterio. Sister Gregoria and her sons and daughter-in-law greeted me and I prayed thanks to God. Sister Gregoria told me in Cacarey village there are 45 people, but only nine believers. She said there are possibly 10 souls more (who would hear) if one day we make an evangelic outreach and visit. They are able to grant land to God.

They invited me to dinner and, after we had a worship and teaching, they understood His faithfulness and about perseverance. I gave them four New Testaments.

Thursday, Sept. 22

At 10 a.m. I was visiting some families, but they were in their far fields working. So I saw a lady, Olimpia Paz, who is 30 years old and suffers epilepsy, and her husband. They had gone to Chacas city to the hospital, but had not money to buy pills. She has suffered some very dramatic (epileptic seizures). “Oh, my God, have mercy for her,” I said.

At 7 p.m. we had a teaching and the people were very blessed by His Word.

Friday, Sept. 23


At 6:45 a.m. I started from Cacarey village, arriving at Sapcha town at 7:30 a.m. I met brother Moises, who invited me to his house. He washed my feet. Then he asked me to pray for him and his son, Juan, who received the Lord Jesus and a New Testament. Then they invited me to have lunch with them.


At 5:40 p.m. I went to stay in the house of sister Cirila, who is 70 years old. Where I slept is Tucu village, uphill from Sapcha town and on the side of the road to Wicruncocha village.

Saturday, Sept. 24

At 7:40 a.m. I started from Tucu village to arrive to Yanama at 12:10 p.m. under an intense fog, rain and hail. It was damaging my body. I was very tired when I went to see Pastor Esteban Lazarte and his wife, sister Armenia, who received me for lunch. I was able to change my clothes out of the wet and rest.

Sunday, Sept. 25

I started from Yanama at 10:30 a.m. on a truck until I reached Chalhua at 11 a.m. Nobody was in Alison’s house, so I went to bed to rest and feel better from the grip.

Monday, Sept. 26

At 4 p.m. I was visiting brother Ivan and I gave him a New Testament for which he was very grateful and blessed. Then I was helping to guide Alison through some mathematic homework, and taught her more about the Lord Jesus. We had time to pray for her mother Taina, and I prayed for Alison and her entire family.

Tuesday, Sept. 27

I started from Yanama district at 1:30 p.m., arriving at Huaraz city at 6 p.m. Praise God, one more mission was done. In His mercy.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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