A home church away from home church

Gary Fallesen

A home church away from home church

A home church away from home church

All at welcome at Lake Placid Baptist

Climbing For Christ members are welcome to use the facilities at Lake Placid Baptist Church to sleep, shower or cook a meal. The current cost is only $5 to spend a night at the church. Pastor Derek asks for 30 days notice, but this church also can be called on in the event of an emergency. Of course, you can always worship at Lake Placid Baptist on a Sunday morning or evening. Visit www.LPBaptist.org to learn more about the church.

Pastor Derek Spain and his family in Lake Placid, where he is pastor of the Lake Placid Baptist Church, director of North Country Ministries and resort missionary for the Baptist Convention of New York.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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