Ava Worm
Ava with her dad.
Nationality: American. Occupation: College student, youth leader, and employee of the Environmental Center. Missions with C4C: Peru 2018.
How long have you climbed? For about a year. Type of climbing you do: Bouldering, sport, beginning trad. Highlight of climbing career: Being able to lead a climb, and conquering a 10a slab.
How long have you been a Christian? For about 4 years. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: Youth ministry, high school, Young Life, and middle school youth group at a local church in Durango, CO.
Favorite Scripture verse (and why): John 15:16-17. “You did not choose me, but I chose you.” There are many tasks, skills, and gifts that I have deemed myself not worthy or capable of, but God calls us to “go and bear fruit that will last.” This Scripture has given me the authority through Christ to claim my callings and “go” into greatness that glorifies Christ.
Special “God moment” you’d like to share: Last April, I broke my first metatarsal and severely tore the joint of my big toe on my right foot in a trail running accident. I was in a boot for a while and was saving up for another CAT scan before a potential surgery on my joint, but I was the only girl leader to take my high schoolers to summer camp. I prayed to God that no matter the activity (horseback riding, ropes course, dancing, lake activities, etc.), God would allow me to just walk alongside them and (my condition) not hinder any experience that they might have in the fullness of Christ. When I got to camp I was overdoing it and experiencing pain, as I was trying to still do everything with them. The second day of camp, the head leader asked all the other leaders to go and “ask God for a gift” in our quiet times. My co-boy leader and I went out to pray for gifts for our kids, and he asked to pray over my foot for healing. Previously, I was in disbelief of physical healing. I surrendered it to God. We prayed over my foot and it was completely healed. I was hysterical and overwhelmed and blown away. The money I was saving for a CAT scan was now my deposit for an apartment for that school year. My girls that I brought even got to witness the discoloration of my foot beforehand restored its normal form. I didn’t even bring a right shoe, and had to borrow a pair! Hah! It was one of the most beautiful gifts I have received, because it blessed so many others as well as being a testimony of God’s power and character. I am forever changed, expectant, and fully faithful in what God can and WILL do when we ask for something that will glorify Him.
What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? C4C will go where others would not dream of, quite literally, climbing mountains to reach the unreached; and all is possible through the love of Christ that this ministry is solely driven by. It is a privilege to be a part of a mission that will truly “go” to the ends of the earth, because that is where we are called (Acts 13:47).