Bibles for Nepal

Gary Fallesen

Bibles for Nepal

Brad Stine comedy show 'Put a Climbing Helmet On!' raises funds

By Gary Fallesen
President, Climbing For Christ

“People who are holding fundraisers are trying to raise funds,” comedian Brad Stine said, candidly stating the obvious during one of his many serious moments at our “Put a Climbing Helmet On!” fundraiser on Friday, Jan. 6.

“(You're thinking) 'Oh, you're just trying to make me feel guilty.' If you feel guilty, you probably are. We as Christians call it 'conviction.'”

The Holy Spirit impressed upon an audience of more than 400 people the need to help Climbing For Christ with a God-given desire to deliver 1,000 Bibles to Nepal. We were blessed to receive more than US$5,500 for Bibles at this off-beat fundraiser.

Why 1,000 Bibles?

“The average laborer in Nepal makes US$3 per day,” Nepali Climbing For Christ member and SARA ministry founder Pastor Tej Rokka had told us. “One Holy Bible costs US$5-$6. Imagine at least 4 members in a family depend on one man’s daily wages. How can he or she buy a Bible in such a situation? Without the Word of God, how can they know God and His plan for their life? It is an honor and privilege to give the Word of God freely. And many communities and village people cannot afford a Bible, but they need to hear the Word that is written in the Bible. So please consider praying for this project.”

Brad Stine shared this with our audience after splitting their sides with outrageous humor and stopping them in their tracks with thought-provoking teaching on God and creation during a 90-minute program at Hope Lutheran Church in suburban Rochester, N.Y., USA.

Brad Stine performing. (Photo by Elaine Fallesen)

“My favorite part was how well Brad was able to go from hilarity to serious and profound 'God thoughts' in a matter of seconds, and then have us laughing again in the next minute,” said Climbing For Christ member and event volunteer Meredith Thomas.

Stine is an acclaimed comedian from Nashville who has appeared in movies, released four DVDs (including his breakout 2003 hit Put a Helmet On!), written a couple of books, and is a Monday regular on Fox & Friends on Fox News. (Learn more about Brad at The uproarious routine Brad performed for Climbing For Christ consisted of content from his next DVD, which was scheduled to be recorded Tuesday, Jan. 10 in Knoxville, Tenn.

Ticket sales netted Climbing For Christ more than US$4,500 for our general operating budget. But Brad didn't want it to stop there. Before his show, he talked about what our greatest needs might be. Through prayerful thought God put before us this call for Bible delivery. This resulted in Climbing For Christ netting a total of more than US$10,000 at “Put a Climbing Helmet On!”

Recently, Climbing For Christ initiated Project Living Word, which set as a goal the distribution of Bibles in native languages in the places where we are working. One target: 4,000 Urdu Bibles in Pakistan. (As of Jan. 6, we had raised enough money to buy more than 400 Urdu Bibles — one-tenth of the way to our goal!) We also have a need for Creole Bibles in Haiti.

But Mission: Nepal 2012 was the next Evangelic Expedition on our calendar. So we felt a pressing need for Nepal Bibles.

God provided for our need.

Brad Stine standing on a chair and goofing with Gary Fallesen for a photo for 'The Good News' reporter Susan LeDdoux. (Photo by Elaine Fallesen)

Brad Stine's involvement with Climbing For Christ began in early September 2011. I was writing an update to our Board of Directors. In it, I wrote, “As I often say (paraphrasing Brad Stine): Jesus is out there in front of us and I’m back here just trying to keep up. 'Hold up, Lord, I’m just (gasp-gasp) catching my breath.'” This is one of my favorite Stine lines from Put a Helmet On!

After writing this, I was led to Google “Brad Stine,” which took me to his Web site. I clicked on “Contact” and sent him an email. “You may never have climbed a mountain, but you could be a huge blessing to those of us who do so in the name of Jesus,” I began in an email that concluded with a request that he do a fundraiser for us. I can only explain this as a Spirit-led moment.

The following day Brad wrote: “Sounds cool, man. Let's figure out a way to do this!”

“For serious?” I replied.

“Why not?” Brad said. “You're doing some unorthodox work and I have a made a living doing the same thing. Let's figure out when and where and how and let's do it.”


Brad Stine brought his unique blend of humor and teaching to the home of Climbing For Christ and raised funds and awareness. He was interviewed on a secular rock radio station the morning of the show and stories about the event appeared in the mainstream and Christian press in the days leading to “Put a Climbing Helmet On!” Many heard for the first time of an international ministry based in their backyard.

God opened more doors — as He does constantly for His ministry of Climbing For Christ. We gladly, joyfully walk through another door to take 1,000 Bibles to Nepal.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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