Gary Fallesen / Wednesday, August 18, 2010 / Categories: Nepal, Mission: Nepal 2011 Church Build in Dapcha Pastor Tej visiting the site of a future church build in central Nepal. Climbing For Christ wired money to Pastor Tej B. Rokka in Nepal on Monday, Oct. 26, 2009 for the purchase of land (photo above) in the mountain village of Dapcha, where a church will be constructed in 2011. There is a population of about 30,000 people in this area and this will be the first Christian church. Pastor Tej's SARA church in Katmandu had raised US$900 to buy land, but still needed US$4,100. “We are praying to buy this land and build a church,” Pastor Tej said in early September 2009. Climbing For Christ raised the remaining support needed for the land through the annual Hilton (N.Y.) Apple Fest on Oct. 3-4, 2009. “I am excited about this church,” Pastor Tej said. “The church is growing in numbers.” The original budget for a church hall (US$10,000), two toilets ($1,200), other rooms ($3,000), safety tank ($400), water tank and tap ($500), electricity/fans ($300), and carpet/mattresses ($200) totaled US$15,600. But now this project will cost US$18,800 ($12,000 for the church hall, $1,200 for two toilets, $3,500 for other rooms, $700 for safety tank, $500 for water tank/tap, $500 for electricity/fan, and $400 for carpet/mattresses). The price is high, Pastor Tej said, because materials cost more now and “we have to get things from the city and take to the village. It looks like a big project, but it will be worth it as we target mountain people to win for Christ. “I have a heart for this area and I really want to see a Christ-centered church on the top of this mountain. That's why I have sent a young man from this community to study theology in India. His name is Ratna Lama. He already finished one year and he has to go at least one more year, then after he has commitment to go back there and serve the Lord. So please pray for this church and project.” The SARA church is excited to partner with Climbing For Christ because, as Pastor Tej said, “we want to reach out to people who are lost in the mountains of Nepal.” Combating terror with the cross Mission: Haiti 2011 Print 3394 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author