DISPATCH: Wednesday, Feb. 1
Brandy and Marissa had one more day of playing with the Project 1:27 orphans before the team reunited this evening in Kathmandu. “We played games with the kids. Tons of games,” Marissa said. “This was my favorite part of the trip.”
Dave and I finished a 20-hour journey back from Rolpa in the Mid-West, exhausted from the hard driving. Our group, which included Megh, drove overnight out of Korchabang. We were delayed by a fender bender; an intoxicated driver turned too wide at an intersection and hit our rear quarter panel. This resulted in an hour-long debate between drivers and the soldiers who observed the (thankfully) minor accident about who was at fault and how much that driver should pay the other. They settled on 2,200 rupees — about US$28. And we were on our way again.
The blessing is God watched over all of us as we were apart, including Tej, who was also in the Mid-West to speak to pastors as part of his SARA (Savior Alone Reaches Asians) ministry. We are in His care and continue to receive His tender mercies.
The church at Korchabang worshiping on Tuesday. This is where the church will be built on land purchased with funds provided by God through Climbing For Christ.