Gary Fallesen / Thursday, January 6, 2011 / Categories: Nepal, Mission: Nepal 2011, Dispatches Friday, Jan. 7 We made the 100-kilometer drive from Kathmandu to the hilly region where Dapcha is located in a rented Jeep. Members of the church and hired laborers were at work clearing the land where the church building will be constructed. They have been leveling the land for the past week and there remains much work to do. But there also remains funds to raise. The church will be located in the heart of the village on a perch looking out at the majestic Himalayas. We met the three church leaders who have trained at Pastor Tej's central church in Kathmandu. One was beaten by Maoists who attacked the old church a few years back. But otherwise there seems mostly disinterest in the church here. As we walked over hills around the village with one of Tej’s staff, Roshan, who was handing out tracts (“If you die today will you go to heaven?”), there were few takers. The Buddhists and Hindus we spoke with said they have their own religion already. They don’t care about the Savior, Jesus Christ. Thursday, Jan. 6 Saturday, Jan. 8 Print 4114 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author