Gary Fallesen / Friday, May 13, 2011 / Categories: Mission: Peru 2011, Dispatches Friday, May 13 Huascaran, Peru's tallest mountain, in the sunshine behind the steeple of a Catholic church being built in Musho. We set out from Huaraz to deliver the Gospel to mountain villages the next five days, stopping first in Mancos. Jaime was given land there to build on and asked us to dedicate it. He would like to make it a mission house or a church for Climbing For Christ. There is no Christian church in this village of about 3,100. As Jaime said, “I'm crazy for His business.” He is C4C (Crazy For Christ). We prayed (and will continue to pray) for God’s blessing on and direction for the use of this land. After Mancos we continued on to Musho at about 10,200 feet (3,091 meters), where we are camping for two nights and spending Saturday evangelizing in the foothills beneath Huascaran — Peru’s tallest mountain at 22,344 feet (6,768 meters). In the evening we worshiped with a local church. About two dozen brothers and sisters gathered to sing His praises. Friday, May 13 Saturday, May 14 Print 2678 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author