Mission: Haiti 2011 FAQ

Gary Fallesen
/ Categories: Haiti, Mission: Haiti 2011

Mission: Haiti 2011 FAQ


Tentatively scheduled Jan. 31-Feb. 11, 2011.
  • Day 1: Fly to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.
  • Day 2: Travel to Jimani, DR.
  • Day 3: Cross border into Haiti. Visit Thoman. Climb to Gentilhomme.
  • Day 4: Medical training and/or health clinic. Bible school for children.
  • Day 5: Health clinic. Second day for Bible school for children. Agricultural/nutrition/sanitation education.
  • Day 6: Travel to Malasi. Visit other villages and churches on way.
  • Day 7: Worship in Malasi.
  • Day 8: Medical training and/or health clinic. Bible school for children.
  • Day 9: Health clinic. Second day of Bible school for children.
  • Day 10: Health clinic. Agricultural/nutrition/sanitation education.
  • Day 11: Travel back to Dominican Republic.
  • Day 12: Travel home.


Estimated at US$1,500, including airfare to/from New York City to Hispaniola, visa, transportation, food, and accommodations in the Dominican Republic and Haiti. This does not include airfare to/from New York City.

Payment schedule
  • $500 deposit — due after being accepted to mission team.
  • Airfare — due before Nov. 1.
  • Balance due — before Dec. 1.

A complete physical exam is required of all team members. Paperwork (Medical Form and Certification of Physical Fitness AND Acknowledgement of Risk Form) must be completed and returned in a timely manner. A team first-aid kit will be carried and any special medical concerns must be made known to the trip leader.
Vaccinations are recommended for:

  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Typhoid
  • Rabies

You will also need malaria medicine. Check with your personal physician or local travel clinic for the proper medication.
We also require medical insurance. We can help you arrange travel insurance, which covers any medical or personal accidents and in case any evacuation is required.

Preparing for your trip

Training is obviously essential for any mission trip. We urge “PMS”: Physical, Mental, and Spiritual training. Run to build endurance. Do “LSD”: Long, Slow Distances. Climb and hike as well. Nothing trains the body to go up (and come down) for climbing like climbing. Head for the hills near you. Push yourself as you train — this will build your mental toughness as well. There may be days on the mountain or in the mission field when you are not feeling 100 percent, but you still need to perform. This is where the mental training comes into play. But, most importantly, be in the Word. Read your Bibles and be in constant prayer. Get spiritually fit! Talk to God about how He can use you and how you can glorify Him through this Evangelic Expedition. Everything starts in prayer!
Along those lines, if you have specific prayer requests, Climbing For Christ has an international PRAYER TEAM that can lift your needs to the Lord. This team will be praying for you by name as you prepare to GO!

Subject to change
Be prepared for change. To succeed in missions, you need to be flexible. This is about following God's plan, not our own. The Climbing For Christ mantra is found in Proverbs 16:9, which states: "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."

To God alone be the glory!

E-mail info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request a mission application, if you haven't already received one.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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