Mission: Nepal 2017

Gary Fallesen

Mission: Nepal 2017

Pulling down strongholds

By Gary Fallesen, founding president, Climbing For Christ

We stood on a mountainside high above the Karnali River in the northwest corner of Nepal. We’d trekked up and down portions of this river higher up in the Humla district. Now we were proposing to follow the river out of the district, essentially walking from one airstrip to the next in the remote reaches as part of Mission: Nepal 2017.

“The devil travels up and down the river,” said Nepali member Megh Gurung, a guide and pastor. “It is his stronghold.”

The enemy has laid claim to the high places and the remote places for generations. No one has bothered to GO to these locations despite the LORD’s command to do so. The evil one has had his way.

But Climbing For Christ has gone to Humla since 2012. We have been blessed to watch the church grow from a handful to hundreds. We have helped build the first physical church there for the body of Christ to worship in. Amidst all of our visits to this area this nagging question lingered: “Who will GO there?”

It began in 2013, as our little 14-seat, two-propeller plane flew out of Simikot, the district headquarters of Humla. Spiritual coordinator Jordan Rowley looked out the window and saw the countless villages on the mountainsides below. He felt the burden. Other team members have as well.

As a result, in 2017, a team will trek through southern Humla into the Mugu district – from Simikot to Rara Lake. It will take eight or nine days and range in elevation from 8,000 to 14,000 feet. This journey will occur in late September and early October. It will be the second of two expeditions to this predominantly Hindu and Buddhist country in 2017.

The first Nepal trip is scheduled for April and will include working at the orphanage Climbing For Christ sponsors outside Kathmandu, visiting villages assisted after the 2015 earthquake in the north-central part of the country (foothills of the Ganesh Himal), and trekking in the Mid-Western district of Rolpa to see church growth where C4C helped build one house of worship and has aided in the purchase of land for the next church construction (blessedly, our fifth in Nepal).

Dates to remember:
  • Mission: Nepal 2017, Part 1 – April 29-May 16.
  • Mission: Nepal 2017, Part 2 – Sept. 13-30.
  • E-mail info@ClimbingForChrist.org to request information and a mission application.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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