Gary Fallesen / Friday, July 6, 2012 / Categories: C4C Adirondack Mountains Monday Night Climbing Monday Night Climbing Monday Night Football may end, but not climbing on Monday nights. It happens every Monday night at the Rocksport Gym until May. Event organizer Jay Harrison is usually at the gym by 6 p.m. (sometimes as early as 4:30 p.m.). Cost is $8 without rentals, $12 with rentals. Due to popular request (and regular attenders not minding) Tuesday Night Bouldering is now Monday Night Bouldering. Boulderers climbed every week from late spring to autumn from 5 p.m. until dark. Aaron Welker putting the moves on a new problem at Johnson Ponds. (Photo by Todd Paris) Monday Night Climbing: A way to stay in shape and in touch during the long winter season. Fire Tower Hikes Pasta's On Us, Third Course Print 3021 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author