Photo of the Week: Nepal
Photo of the Week by Gary Fallesen: Hiking past mani stones – used for Buddhist prayer – outside the Langtang village of Thuman during Mission: Nepal (Jan.-Feb.) 2012.
Here comes the Son
“I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.” – John 10:9 (KJV)
The village of Thuman in Langtang National Park is a Buddhist stronghold with a population of about 2,200 – none of whom are Christian. Our six-person mission team visited there on the third day of evangelistic trek. We were greeted by a drumbeat emanating from a large Buddhist gompa.
Nearly two months later, Brandy Everts of Pincher Creek, Alberta, Canada was in worship. “I had such a strong burden to pray for them,” she recounted. “After about 20 minutes of intense praying I remembered the hostel’s son, who kept going to the door and yelling for the sun to arise. After doing that repeatedly for about 20 minutes, the sun rose and the son went ballistic! He was so excited!
“Through picturing all of this, I felt Jesus say, ‘Just like how the sun came, the SON WILL COME IN THAT VILLAGE!’ My little heart was so stoked! God is so good. I will continue to pray for this village with intensity!”
This photo and story originally appeared in ‘The Climbing Way’ (Volume 24, Spring-Summer 2012).
CLICK HERE for daily Dispatches from Mission: Nepal (Oct.) 2015.
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