Photo of the Week: Pakistan
Evangelist Haseeb of Save Pakistan sent this photo of a precious child in a group of youngsters with the question: “Would you ever be so happy and smiling like them to get a new toothbrush?”
This is our Photo of the Week.
It is a moment of perspective. A reminder to count our blessings. The chance to observe the simple joy of a toothbrush. Don’t take anything for granted; thank Him for everything.
Save Pakistan, one of Climbing For Christ’s partners, distributed toothbrushes to their orphans. C4C members and supporters have helped Haseeb with funding to purchase 23 beds for the children – another opportunity to give them more happiness and smiles. Only four more cots are needed.
Please keep Save Pakistan (and the persecution our dear brothers and sisters endure) in your prayers. And remember to give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you (1 Thessalonians 5:18).