Photo of the Week: Peru
A rainbow appears over the church at Chalhua in the Peruvian Andes on Dec. 5, 2015. (Photo by Jaime Servat)
“And because of his glory and excellence, he has given us great and precious promises. These are the promises that enable you to share his divine nature and escape the world’s corruption caused by human desires.” – 2 Peter 1:4 (NLT)
The pastor who started a house church in 2009 welcomed our Mission: Peru 2011 team to Chalhua, a dirt-poor mountain village sitting at 11,900 feet in the Cordillera Blanca mountains. Twenty-two people were crowding into a small house each week to worship. Would Climbing For Christ build these brothers and sisters a church?
We put this before God and, for 18 months, the answer seemed to be “no.” Or, at least, “not yet.” Then a woman at a church in the United States made a generous offering to start construction on the church building in Peru. Another American supporter donated to the cause in 2013. While the cost of the church far exceeded the original estimate, God continued to provide through His people and the church at Chalhua was dedicated in July during Mission: Peru 2015.
We’ve been blessed to fund the building of HIS church in the village of Chalhua. Throughout South America (and much of the world), to have a church building is more than just a place to fellowship away from the wind, rain and snow. A church building is a holy place; a community place; God’s place.
CLICK HERE to read the latest Mission Moments from Peru.
Photos of the Week are for sale – 8-by-12-inch prints suitable for framing – for $25 plus shipping. Email your order to Your support will help put us in places where we can take more pictures as witnesses of our Triune God.