Project Prayer for the Hindu world, Day 10

Gary Fallesen

Project Prayer for the Hindu world, Day 10

Life-giving words of Jesus

By Jordan Rowley, spiritual coordinator, Climbing For Christ

Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018

“Without Me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5


We give thanks for the Vine of Christ. May we take our place with all humility, agreeing that apart from Jesus – the Source of life – we bring nothing of value. Nor can we do anything that will be of any eternal worth. Yet with Christ, all things are possible. All things! Grant us hearts to abide in Jesus, Lord. May we humbly and wholly allow Your life-giving power to flow through us – that we would bear You much fruit among our Hindu neighbors! And we lift up those who live and serve among Hindu peoples. May they not lean on their own understanding, but fully lean into Jesus, and be led by the Spirit of all wisdom. We give all glory to You, God, the One with Whom all things are possible.

In JESUS’ name, amen.

Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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