Gary Fallesen / Sunday, May 16, 2010 / Categories: Mission: Haiti 2012, Mission: Haiti 2011, Bios Rosie Joseph Rosie Joseph Rosie translating for one of our puppets during Bible school for the children. Nationality: Haitian. Occupation: I am a farmer/gardener and I make straw baskets.Missions with C4C: Fourth serving on Mission: Haiti. How long have you climbed? I don’t climb for pleasure, but I live in an area of many mountains and have climbed since I was born. Type of climbing you do: Climbing on foot. Highlight of climbing career: I love to see the beautiful ocean and the cruise ship way out on the horizon and to see my house so far away. How long have you been a Christian? 20 years. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: Pray every morning, pray with people who are sick, visiting the elderly, hold a service 4:30-6:00 each morning, love everybody and serve the community by helping my neighbors, taking in abandoned children, sharing food, etc. Favorite Scripture verse (and why): 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12. You need to work with your hands so you don’t need to depend on others. The people who do not believe in Christ will respect you for what you do. Psalms 27, 91, 103. The Psalms are how I say thank you to God for keeping me alive and all my blessings. Romans 8:1-4. I try not to sin anymore and live in God’s grace. C4C Australia Indonesia Print 3674 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author