Serving from our knees
GOing in prayer
By Jordan Rowley, Climbing For Christ spiritual coordinator
With spiritual eyes, I can see men and women of God battling the forces of darkness. They are engaging in a battle that is waged not with earthly weapons, but with God’s weaponry. They advance not on their feet, but on their knees.
“Prayer is where the action is,” one mighty man of God once said. It’s true, if we only have eyes to see it. Sadly, prayer is the most underrated and underutilized piece of the Christian’s arsenal. Whether it’s for our own personal needs, for our churches and leaders, or for those who entrust their lives to God’s hands in a faraway mission field, prayer all too often simply isn’t a priority. Prayer is vital. It’s critical. Yet, it’s all too often neglected.
We all know praying is important, but the question is: do we really believe this? Knowing and believing are not the same. And if we truly believe, we will pray!
In my years with C4C, I’ve encountered so many people who have a huge heart for our work. They love the idea of reaching hard-to-reach people in hard-to-reach places with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They’re moved by how God uses His ministry to support orphans and widows, build churches, free brick-kiln factory slaves, provide Bibles, offer medical care and simply share the Good News where others cannot or will not go. However, many of these people simply aren’t able to go on an Evangelic Expedition with us – and many others don’t feel they’re able to go.
I always respond, “Yes, you can GO with us! When you pray for us and for the work God desires to accomplish, you are there with us in spirit and you are sharing in the work just as much as us.” I wholeheartedly believe that.
Prayer is one beautiful way we’re all able to participate in missions. No matter our financial situation, health condition or season of life, we can all obey God’s Great Commission through prayer. As we bow our hearts before God, we can play a huge part in so many missionary activities.
So, brothers and sisters, yes, you can go with us! You can be on the front lines in spirit just as if you were there in flesh and blood. Set aside some time each day to pray for the lost souls throughout the world and those committed to reaching them. Or consider hosting a C4C Prayer Gathering in your home, or coffee shop, or church. Or join our Prayer Team, or utilize our Month on the Mountain resource! However God leads you, join us in bowing your heart, lifting your voice and serving from your knees in prayer. 
Contact Jordan about prayer or Climbing For Christ’s Prayer Team at