Gary Fallesen / Sunday, May 15, 2011 / Categories: Mission: Peru 2011, Dispatches Sunday, May 15 The road to Portachuelo Pass. We left Musho and made a seven-hour drive up and down a curvy mountainous dirt road to more remote and poorer villages on the other side of the Cordillero Blanca. The drive took us through the Portachuelo Pass at 15,700 feet (4,767 meters) with jaw-dropping views of His creation. We were surrounded by 6,000-meter (20,000-foot) peaks Huascaran, Chopicalqui and Huandoy as well as numerous 5,000-meter (16,500-foot) peaks, and looking down on turqoise-colored high-altitude lagoons. A precious child we gave a ride to on the way to Yanama. Her mother and brother were with her. Turns out they are one of the two Christian families in Chalhau, a village of more than 1,000. The drive brought us to the town of Yanama (11,200 feet/3,400 meters), which is located near one of the villages we will evangelize — Chalhua (11,800 feet/3,575 meters). Sunday, May 15 Monday, May 16 Print 2726 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author