Western NY Heritage Hike (April)
Hiking with friends – feathered or not
We had about 25 people enjoy time in the (chilly) outdoors on Saturday, April 11 for Climbing For Christ’s second Heritage Hike of 2015. The chickadees were still hungry and it was thrilling having them land on our hands for seed on the Bird Song Trail at Mendon Ponds Park in Western New York.
After our hike, we enjoyed a time of prayer, devotions and stories from Gary and Elaine Fallesen about Climbing For Christ’s adventures. We also had time to share some of our upcoming Heart of Dance songs with many joining in. The friendships that have grown over the years and along the paths have been precious!
A bird in the hand: Matt enjoyed time out on the trail feeding the chickadees.
Special thanks to Janet from Inlet, NY for making the seed bags for all to feed the birds. Thank you everyone for making it such a great time for all who attended!
– Diane Sturmer, Heritage Christian Services spiritual life coordinator and Climbing For Christ member