Tuesday, Feb. 1

Gary Fallesen

Tuesday, Feb. 1

There was an evening worship in the Monte Pou Kris church at Jimani to welcome us back. After listening to numerous praise songs, Jordan and I were given an opportunity to share. I used Philippians 1:6 and blessed the 80 school children, the three teachers that C4C supports, Gilbert Lindor (whom God used us to rescue several years ago), the pastor and church leaders, and finally the whole church of more than 100 adults with the words: “He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion in the day of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Jordan encouraged the church with the words of Matthew 22:36-37, instructing them to love God with ALL their heart and ALL their soul and ALL their mind.

Steve with a youngster at mini-clinic in Miguel’s garage. He couldn’t help him with his homework, but he did make many feel better.

The team sorted medicines again tonight, preparing bags for clinics in Gentilhomme and Malasi. We will be crossing the border on Wednesday with our first stop in the mountain village of Gentilhomme.

Steve held a mini-clinic in Miguel’s garage earlier in the day, seeing many adults and children from the church and school in Jimani. He felt it was a successful warm-up for the days ahead.

Steve, Lisa and Eileen’s church has a special relationship with Jimani. They are raising the support to build the Monte Pou Kris church — the fourth C4C Haitian church on the island. In following up Jordan and me tonight, Miguel spoke about the HIStory of the Jimani church, and how it grew from a small body that rented property to a larger church that is in the process of building. He said this is because God sent Climbing For Christ here, and God continues to use brothers and sisters in Christ to nurture and support one another to His glory. We are blessed to be His hands and feet among the Haitian people. We know that the good work He has begun in us will be carried on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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