Gary Fallesen / Tuesday, January 11, 2011 / Categories: Nepal, Mission: Nepal 2011, Dispatches Tuesday, Jan. 11 The Dapcha church leaders – Kristshna Lama, 36; Gopal Nepali, 18, and Prajwal Pariyar, 16 – became our newest members of Climbing For Christ. We prayed together as a group on the church-building site before Kyle, Pastor Tej, Alyssa and I headed back to Kathmandu in the afternoon. The leaders blessed us with gifts before we left. “They are so happy you came,” Pastor Tej said. “They say “‘thanks.’” But it was we who are so thankful to them. Kristshna came to Christ in 2006 and started the church at Dapcha shortly thereafter. They started with six members, including Gopal. Prajwal joined when he, his sister (Sumitra, the healed girl mentioned in Saturday’s Dispatch) and their parents accepted Jesus on Christmas day 2007. Since then, Kristshna, Gopal and Prajwal have been busy serving the Lord and growing the church in this Central Nepal area. Each one attended six months of Bible training in Tej’s main SARA Church on the Rock in Kathmandu. They are excited about the months ahead when the new church at Dapcha will be built and dedicated to the Lord. As we left the village, a song was playing in Pastor Tej’s van: “Jesus loves the little children of the world.” School children were all along the road, watching as we drove past. God loves each of these children (and their families) and through a light on a hill like the church at Dapcha it is our prayer that more of them will love Him in return. Tuesday, Jan. 11 Wednesday, Jan. 12 Print 4122 Gary FallesenGary Fallesen Other posts by Gary Fallesen Contact author