Western NY Update: Bless someone’s socks off

Elaine Fallesen

Western NY Update: Bless someone’s socks off

C4C partners with local Christian bookstore

By Elaine Fallesen, women’s and family ministry, Climbing For Christ

The display at Alpha & Omega bookstore in Stoneridge Plaza, Greece. (Photo by Elaine Fallesen)

Foozys Socks have arrived at Alpha & Omega Parable Christian Store in Greece! What are they? Just the coolest “Serious Socks, For Not So Serious People!” Not only can they be yours to wear; they can be an orphan’s to wear, too!

Alpha & Omega has partnered with Climbing For Christ to offer this foot-warming deal to everyone:

These cozy socks are on sale for $5.99 each or 2 pairs for $10. However, when you buy four pairs for $20, a fifth pair will be donated to Climbing For Christ’s Project 1:27 Nepal orphans!

The socks include messages such as “I [heart] Jesus” and “GOD – John 3:16.” They’re lightweight and stretchable in a durable blend of polyester, nylon and Spandex.

Having served and loved on the 35 orphans in Pastor Tej Rokka’s care in Kathmandu for many years, I can assure you that this unique gift will knock their socks off as well as meet an ongoing need. Gift bags given to the children during each Climbing For Christ visit to Nepal always include socks. But they’re not always this nifty-looking. And the message they carry will remind these kids of their heavenly Father who watches over and blesses them through people like you.

The children at SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) Home, pictured last November with Pastor Tej (far right).

As the COVID-19 vaccine becomes available, C4C hopes to resume travel and return to Nepal this year. As soon as God gives us the signal, we will GO once again to deliver Jesus’ love and more socks.

You can’t miss the Foozys Socks display at Alpha & Omega, located at 1540 W. Ridge Road in the Stoneridge Plaza. Hours are Monday to Wednesday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Thursday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. (closed Sunday). Thanks in advance for your support to these kids of the King!

The final Word

“And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should remember the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” — Acts 20:35 (NLT)


Elaine FallesenElaine Fallesen

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