Climbing For Christ



Mission: Nepal 2024


Gary Fallesen 0 1273

Mission: Nepal 2024 will be Climbing For Christ’s 21st expedition in this Himalayan nation. It is scheduled for May.

Mission: Nepal 2023

Praying for open doors in the East

Gary Fallesen 0 1277

Would you hike 40 miles to pray for someone you’ve never met? That’s what Climbing For Christ does – and will do again on our 20th expedition to Nepal.


Latest News

Mission Moments: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 4271
C4C-sponsored orphanage back to normal Painting the repaired orphanage – inside and out. (Photo by Tej Rokka) Walls, water and the solar-power system have been repaired at the SARA orphanage that is sponsored by Climbing For Christ. “The children are fine,” said Pastor Tej R...

DISPATCHES: Turkey 2015

Gary Fallesen 0 5966

Mission: Ararat 2015 Reports and photos by Gary Fallesen Founding president, Climbing For Christ CLICK HERE for Trip Report Saturday, June 13 The sun is eclipsed by a minaret in Istanbul. Pray for the Son to shine in Turkey. We said our “goodbyes” to our Turkish friend...

Photo of the Week: Turkey

Gary Fallesen 0 3733
Statues more than 2,100 years old litter the ground near the summit of Mount Nemrut. (Photo by Gary Fallesen) In the first century BC, King Antiochus built a monument to himself on remote Mount Nemrut (7,001 feet/2,134 meters). He piled up hundreds of vertical feet of scree upon which statues of ...

Mission Moments: Earthquakes in Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 9302
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 Pastor Tej Rokka returned Monday night (May 25) from several days in East Nepal for training among the churches. His wife, Bidhya, spoke to more than 60 women, presenting them with gifts delivered by Leanne Bohn and Elaine Fallesen during Mission: Nepal 2015 in March. Tej ta...

Photo of the Week: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 3635
Surviving in Nepal “I made a temporary shelter on our church ground,” said Climbing For Christ’s Megh Gurung (in photo above taken on May 23 at the Milap church on the outskirts of Kathmandu). “Some of the believers are sleeping there at night.” CLICK HERE for Miss...

Mission: Ararat 2015 - Ready to GO!

Gary Fallesen 0 4634
Please join us in prayer for C4C's Mission: Ararat 2015! Our focus will once again be on the semi-nomadic Kurdish people on and near HIStoric Mount Ararat. Pray for this team and those the Lord would have them encounter.

Photo of the Week: Nepal

Gary Fallesen 0 3892
The plastic tarp that has served as home to the SARA orphans since their orphanage was damaged in the April 25 earthquake. (Photo by Tej Rokka) Funds are being raised by Climbing For Christ to repair the orphanage. To help, please send donations to Climbing For Christ, c/o Nepal Earthquake Relief...

The need in Nepal is great

Gary Fallesen 0 4949
Pastor Tej and Elaine Fallesen during worship at his Kathmandu church in March. (Photo by Leanne Bohn/Mission: Nepal 2015) By Gary Fallesen Founding president, Climbing For Christ Worship was nearly over at the main SARA church in Kathmandu on Saturday, April 25 when the lights went out and t...

Mission: Nepal 2015 orphanage visit: ‘Souls on Fire’

Gary Fallesen 0 6217

Third Day song Soul on Fire is performed by the children at the SARA orphanage outside Kathmandu, Nepal. Climbing For Christ visited the children at an orphanage of partner ministry SARA (Savior Alone Redeems Asians) as part of Mission: Nepal 2015. The children enjoyed lessons about the Trini...
