Climbing For Christ



Gary Fallesen 0 10006
There is religious freedom as well as equal rights and opportunities for Christians and Muslims to worship and share their faith in Tanzania. This allows room for the Holy Spirit to work. The coast, Zanzibar and many of the southern provinces are Muslim dominated. Muslim “extremists&rdq...


Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024

Into Africa: A Love Story

Gary Fallesen 0 1084

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024 is our 16th expedition to Tanzania dating back to 2007. The trip is scheduled for Jan. 19 to Feb. 2. We will be teaching our Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters, including taking 20 members up Kilimanjaro for on-the-mountain training in “Communicating the Bible” and outreach.

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023

Discovering the Bible

Gary Fallesen 0 1579

Climbing For Christ has come a long way from its birth by God in the heart of Gary Fallesen before a Kilimanjaro climb in 1998. Guides and porters do more than work on Mount Kilimanjaro now. They are disciples being taught to make disciples and plant churches in East Africa. We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Gary’s first climb and teaching Kilimanjaro Chapter members more about “Discovering the Bible.”


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Mission: Kilimanjaro 2023

Discovering the Bible

Gary Fallesen 0 1579

Climbing For Christ has come a long way from its birth by God in the heart of Gary Fallesen before a Kilimanjaro climb in 1998. Guides and porters do more than work on Mount Kilimanjaro now. They are disciples being taught to make disciples and plant churches in East Africa. We are celebrating the 25th anniversary of Gary’s first climb and teaching Kilimanjaro Chapter members more about “Discovering the Bible.”

Trip Report: Kilimanjaro 2022

Faith in action moving mountains

Gary Fallesen 0 1404

Kilimanjaro will always have a special place in our hearts because this is where, in 1998, God birthed the idea of His ministry, Climbing For Christ. This time (our 14th expedition to Tanzania) was particularly satisfying. Even though our team was stormed off the mountain for the first time in nine treks up the 19,341-foot (5,895-meter) peak, we were blessed to interact more than ever with the guides and porters working with us.

Mission Moments: Kilimanjaro

From porters to pastors

Gary Fallesen 0 695

Our first quarterly training in 2022 of the Kilimanjaro Chapter resulted in highlights such as the conclusion of the advanced DMD study of our original class of 28 guides and porters, the continuation of training for the second class of 35 guides and porters, the leading of a half-dozen people to a relationship with Jesus during home visits, the restoration of some marriages and families, and healings for some enduring illness and bondage to sin.

Mission Moments: Disciple making

Dry lands to fertile mountain soil

Gary Fallesen 0 1444

The Kingdom of God has been expanded greatly on and around Mount Kilimanjaro. At first, “it was like a dry land where no hope was expected,” Damson Samson recalled. He met brothers in Christ who were going to church, “but not knowing the power of the Word.”

Now there is a disciple-making movement (DMM) occurring near Africa’s rooftop – and elsewhere in the Climbing For Christ world. Lives, communities, and churches have been transformed.

Mission Moments: Kilimanjaro

Seeing the Light

Gary Fallesen 0 744

Quarterly DMD training goes on with the Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters despite an outbreak of the omicron variant of COVID-19. Fear not; teach on! Kingdom worker Damson Samson of Malawi continues to teach disciple making and church planting to 63 members in Tanzania.

Mission: Kilimanjaro 2022

‘How did you get this way?’

Gary Fallesen 0 2646

Climbing For Christ has been teaching guides and porters in the Kilimanjaro Chapter how to evangelize since we organized them in 2008. This has led to a disciple-making movement around Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa and the birthplace of Climbing For Christ.

Mission Moments: Tanzania 2021

Training hits home for Kilimanjaro guides and porters

Gary Fallesen 0 788

Sixty-three guides and porters in Climbing For Christ's Kilimanjaro Chapter study evangelism strategy and effective discipleship, while showing the impact they are having on their community and clients coming to Tanzania to climb thanks to DMD training.

Trip Report: Tanzania 2021

Sharing God’s love story on Mission: Kilimanjaro

Gary Fallesen 0 877

“It was exhilarating to be able to GO again after being grounded from international travel for almost a year,” Climbing For Christ's Elaine Fallesen observed after Mission: Kilimanjaro 2021 was carried out from June 22 to July 8. DMD training with guides, porters, and their wives; delivering COVID-19 relief; climbing Mount Meru, and much more.
