Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Gary Fallesen

Joshua Cook

Joshua with his father in the Holy Cross Wilderness in Colorado.

Nationality: Philippine-born Coloradan. Occupation: Dallas Seminary student. Missions with C4C: Two (Haiti 2012 and Kilimanjaro 2013).

How long have you climbed? Since middle school. Type of climbing you do: If my passion was a full-course meal, “sport on the rocks” would start us off accompanied by the appetizer of hiking 13ers and 14ers. The main course of trekking comes seasoned with alpinism and rock-craft, paired with different elements of mountaineering. As the meal progresses, it would be washed down with a sparse yet rich “mixed” and “ice” drink. To top off the spread, the cook must not forget fellowship-filled gym climbing and top roping all around. Highlight of climbing career: Jan. 2, 2012, Javier Mata and I hit the Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs as the sun was setting, and John Denver’s song came to life in my mind. Javier had come in from Guatemala and is a good buddy. Our Rocky Mountain high position blasted my senses with color: Blue, red, orange and pink filled the sky as we climbed. The sun set and we partook in an epic climb among moon rays on the red sandstone.

How long have you been a Christian?
 I have been a follower of Christ since accepting John 5:24 and choosing to believe it. On the banks of Eagle Lake, a Navigator’s Camp with the second longest zip line in North America, I was allowed the opportunity to step off a precipice. I had previously realized I was a sinner (Romans 6:23) and that Christ died for me (Romans 5:8 and 6:23). My counselor Dave Aire exemplified then told me what being a Christian was all about to him. I had heard the exact things before, but to hear it from this man on fire for Christ in a wilderness setting brought me to a new understanding. That day in June of 1997 I jumped from the ledge proceeding not to make my life easier, but certainly to make my life worth it. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: Among the Dallas metropolis I get to work with youth and help provide resource distribution.

Favorite Scripture verse and why:
 1 Thessalonians 5 because it’s loaded with more goodness than I could articulate in 138,020 words. Men are called to be on guard while staying alert and clearheaded (v. 6). Wearing confidence, men are to encourage and build each other up. Praying always, men are to be patient, thankful and joy-filled in all circumstances (v. 14, 16-18). Holding on to what is good and Rock solid (v. 21), believers have Christ belaying them over the bergschrunds of life (22-24).

Special “God moment” you’d like to share:
 The Lord encouraged me this morning (Jan. 11, 2012) as a friend and I shared a breakfast of peanut butter and jelly pancakes around noon.  As my friend told me about how the Lord has been working in Afghanistan we reviewed how God doesn’t need us to reach the nations. YHWH could do it himself, yet He takes pleasure when we partner with Him and follow His commands (John 14) to take His Word to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8).

What does Climbing For Christ mean to you?
 C4C gives me a tangible expression of the desire in my heart to go where other missionaries cannot or will not go and meet the spiritual and physical needs of the people there. My grandparents and parents have served with missions-mindedness (2 Timothy 4:2) to all parts of the earth from Malaysia to Moldova, Korea to Cairo. Now I’m exploring what it will be like for me to stand in the gap (Ezekiel 22:30) and be a man of my generation (Luke 11:13). I long for the opportunity to intercede for men and proclaim what God said to them. The men I yearn to interact with have not, may not, or will not ever have a chance to hear it from another person (Mark 8:38). C4C provides a band of believers, a select few, with like mind to pursue those lost on distant ledges.


Gary FallesenGary Fallesen

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