Go tell it on the mountain
Climbing For Christ’s 18th expedition to Tanzania, where C4C was birthed in 1998, is scheduled for December. We conducted our first mission to Kilimanjaro in 2007. Thirty Climbing For Christ members have participated in Mission: Kilimanjaro, many more than once. Twenty-three members have gone to the summit at least once.
There’s gold in them thar hills
Climbing For Christ’s 10th expedition to Malawi, where we first went in 2010, is scheduled for December. Our team will continue classroom instruction with guides and porters in the Mulanje Massif Chapter and then conduct a four-day outreach expedition on the mountain.
Higher education
Our first Mission: Haiti since 2013 is tentatively scheduled in late October. Our team will attend Gilbert Lindor’s (delayed) graduation from medical school at Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago (UTESA) in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. We will then conduct a medical mission in the Chaine de la Selle mountains of Haiti, Lord willing, or in Dominican camps for Haitians.
Joy of Jesus
Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition in the Peruvian Andes is scheduled May 18 to June 11. This will be an 11-day trek in the imposing and impressive Huayhuash range.
GO outside the camp
Climbing For Christ likes to GO outside the camp and follow Jesus to unreached people in difficult places. Our call is to “GO!” Make disciples. Baptize. Teach. Obey. And He will be with us always, even to the end of the age.
Lighting the way for children to learn
Climbing For Christ continues its prayer and financial support for the work in Haiti, especially for the schools in Majon, Morne des Commissaires, and Kalimet, as well as ministry carried out by C4C’s New Generation.
Guiding disciple-making movements
Climbing For Christ’s ninth expedition to Malawi will focus on teaching members of the Mulanje Massif Chapter about “Communicating the Bible,” walking in the Spirit, and delivering the Good News to those who have not heard. Training will take place on Mulanje mountain in June.
Into Africa: A Love Story
Mission: Kilimanjaro 2024 is our 16th expedition to Tanzania dating back to 2007. The trip is scheduled for Jan. 19 to Feb. 2. We will be teaching our Kilimanjaro Chapter guides and porters, including taking 20 members up Kilimanjaro for on-the-mountain training in “Communicating the Bible” and outreach.
Mission: Nepal 2024 will be Climbing For Christ’s 21st expedition in this Himalayan nation. It is scheduled for May.
Doing it for Jesus
“Those who were homeless, now they have a house to call home,” Kingdom worker Damson Samson said when asked about Climbing For Christ’s impact on his home country. “Those walking naked were dressed up.”