Climbing For Christ


Articles by Gary Fallesen

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Mission Moments: Nigeria

Gary Fallesen 0 6965
Overcoming in the Koma Hills A village in the Koma Hills in northeastern Nigeria. (Photo by Gary Fallesen) Pastor Chris Joseph arrived in Yola at 10:05 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 4. This is significant because Yola is the capital of Adamawa, one of four states in northeastern Nigeria under a state of...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Wednesday, Dec. 19, 2012)

Gary Fallesen 0 5573
Proclaiming the Good News in the Koma Hills Pastor Chris Joseph, who serves with Climbing For Christ in Nigeria, returned to the Koma Hills on Dec. 12, 2012. He traveled from Port Harcourt in the south, where his family, home and church are located, to the Adamawa state in the northeast. “I ...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Monday, Sept. 24, 2012)

Gary Fallesen 0 4654
Project Living Word Pastor Chris Joseph of the Lives Aglow Global Outreach Centre used US$120 provided by Climbing For Christ members to purchase 20 copies of the Bible and Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s booklet, “Now That You Are Saved.” He set Sunday, Sept. 23 to share these preci...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Wednesday, June 6, 2012)

Gary Fallesen 0 4997

Pastor Chris Joseph of the Wonderland Chapel in Port Harcourt, Nigeria encouraged each of his church’s members to reach out to someone who is lost. He dubbed it “Operation One Win One.” “We've some souls won, but without a copy of the Holy Bible,” Chris said rece...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Monday, Feb. 27, 2012)

Gary Fallesen 0 4134
Delivering on a promise Climbing For Christ delivered on God's promise to provide for the people in the remote Koma Hills village of Wiwp by sending us back with a small gasoline generator that they had requested during our visit in December 2011. “By the grace of God, I have delivered the...

Nigeria HIStory

Gary Fallesen 0 4003
The Koma People of Nigeria from Climbing For Christ on Vimeo. If you’re looking for a vacation destination, you’ve clicked on the wrong page. Try again. If you have been led by the Spirit to this page, read on. Mission: Nigeria will pick up where the 2011 survey trip stopped &m...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Monday, Jan. 9, 2012)

Gary Fallesen 0 4591
The news out of Nigeria continues to be nothing but bad. First, the government decided to remove fuel subsidies on Jan. 1 in that largely impoverished country. Fuel prices doubled and even tripled in some states, crippling the nation. As a result, violence has erupted and strikes on Monday silenced ...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Sunday, Dec. 25, 2011)

Gary Fallesen 0 4196
Pastor Chris Joseph preached in the Climbing For Christ-supported Wonderland Chapel in Port Harcourt: “Although some church members traveled and (some) caught up in the web of merriment stayed at home, some fervent ones were in church and we had a wonderful service. To God be the glory.”...

Mission Moments: Nigeria (Saturday, Dec. 10, 2011)

Gary Fallesen 0 4409
The birth of Brandy Brown Our team had returned to our hotel in Port Harcourt after teaching at the second conference of our Mission: Nigeria 2011 trip, when there was a knock at our door. “Pastor Brown,” said the deep voice on the other side of the locked door. We opened the door...
