Meagan Prins

Meagan Prins, right, with friends in the mountains.
Nationality: American. Occupation: Student Athlete. Missions with C4C: First.
How long have you climbed? I grew up in Colorado, so I have been hiking my whole life. I haven’t actually rock climbed much. Type of climbing you do: Hiking. Highlight of climbing career: I climbed Mount Princeton (a moderately difficult 14er) last summer with some friends.
How long have you been a Christian? I accepted Christ as my personal savior at the age of 6, but I didn’t truly own that faith until about middle school. I have been growing and improving that relationship since. Type of ministry you are blessed to serve in: I am involved in sports and campus ministries, and in my hometown I work in children’s ministries.
Favorite Scripture verse (and why): Daniel 2:20-23a. Daniel is one of my favorite people in all of Scripture. Not just because of his incredible wisdom, but also because of his faith and his fearlessness. These verses encapsulate the praise I have for God, His incredible power and knowledge and love. My favorite line is “He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” He is everything good and majestic in the world, and He is bigger and stronger than any darkness I will ever face. And not only that, but for those who seek His wisdom, He will give it to them. He “reveals deep and hidden things,” just as He did for Daniel in his greatest need. He answered Daniel’s prayer, and as God’s servant, Daniel became the wisest man in all of Babylon. God does great things with those who love and serve Him, and that is reason in itself to praise Him!
Special "God moment" you'd like to share: I think the fact that I am able to go on this trip is a “God-moment” in itself. I found out shortly after falling in love with the idea of going to the Philippines that the trip conflicted with my college basketball team’s summer camp. I thought that God was closing this door for me, and I was very disappointed. The more I thought about it, though, the more I gained the courage to talk to my coach about missing camp and going on the mission instead. I was nervous to bring it up to Coach, because I didn’t want him to doubt my commitment to the team. I have always put basketball activities above everything else, all through middle and high school. That has paid off, but I felt like God was telling me that it was time to set basketball aside for a little while, and pursue something bigger than myself — the glorification of His name. Coach liked the idea of the trip and told me it sounded like an incredible experience. However, he really would like to have me at camp. He left the decision up to me. I had doubts and concerns. I talked to the spiritual mentors of my life and gave myself time to pray and weigh both sides of the decision. It was hard. God’ s voice is usually not audible, and I have always assumed His will for me would be apparent through circumstances. This time, however, both options I knew would end up being beneficial to me. I prayed some more, and wrote down all my thoughts. Eventually, it wasn’t God’s audible voice or circumstance that led me to deciding to go to the Philippines with C4C. It was a strong desire and excitement that couldn’t be contained in my heart — a simple strong feeling that I knew was of God.
What does Climbing For Christ mean to you? Climbing For Christ is an opportunity. I said before, I feel like God is calling me to be part of something bigger than myself. This is my first international mission, my first time outside of the United States actually, and I cannot wait for the adventure and the amazing things that God is going to do for and through me during this trip. And C4C is not just an opportunity to go on an adventure for God, but also a chance to challenge and grow my faith in Him.